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Menu not work on Macintosh in any browser

Poster: winbach
Dated: Tuesday September 14 2004 - 2:10:16 BST

Greetings. I have two sites with this menu and now neither is working on any browser for a MAC. The first URL listed TMIB worked before so not sure what has changed... All is working on the PC for both.. Please Help!!!! Need a workaround. Thank you.


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday September 14 2004 - 5:05:35 BST

UPGRADE at :!:

You are, quite literally, more than 80 versions down-level (needless to say, what you are running is not supported). The current version is 5.46, you are running 5.0 RC28.

READ the included docs, as much has changed.

Come on back if you're still having trouble.

update to new menu with no luck

Poster: winbach
Dated: Tuesday September 14 2004 - 17:09:44 BST

Greetings. both sites are now running the new version and I am unable to see the menu on any MAC browser. Suggestions? This is pretty critical for me especially on the TMIB site. HELP HELP HELP!!!!

Is there a workaround for the MAC???

Thanks for your help.

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday September 14 2004 - 18:35:12 BST

The tmib site is still showing RC28... :?

Poster: cubefree
Dated: Tuesday September 14 2004 - 22:15:45 BST

Curious does the Milonic site itself work in IE for the Mac?

If so, why?

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday September 14 2004 - 22:46:31 BST

Works for me, CF (IE5.2.3/OS10.3.5).

But I don't understand your "why" question...

Poster: cubefree
Dated: Wednesday September 15 2004 - 0:49:48 BST

re: site,

I mean so far, I never seen Milonic menu work in IE for Mac with any site where I use his menu, so I'm curious why does.

Did Andy stick to the most basic use of the JS files?

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday September 15 2004 - 6:45:26 BST

Hi winbach,

I'll throw my hat in, even though I don't have a mac anywhere near me. I'll answer from two approaches:

(1) A lot of the problems people seem to have with the menu on Macs come from putting the menu(s) in a table. It seems that many mac browsers don't dig that. With the positioning you use for your content and, more to the point, your menu, I'm wondering why you want to put the main menu in a table? Your menu seems to me to remain at a fixed position, so I don't see the need for having it in a table. You might get rid of many of the headaches by removing the menu from the table and positioning it with the menu system's, built-in positioning features (in your case, simply setting top= and left= in the main menu should do it.

(2) If you're determined to stick with table placement... Again, macs are not happy with menus in tables, but you apparently can still do it. To do so successfully requires that you follow the instructions in menu sample 9 (table bound menu) and in the faq on mac issues with menu bound tables. You have to follow those directions exactly. Your implementation does not adhere to all of the rules. Here are the broken rules, along with a few other problems, and what to do to fix them:

(a) You have a menuStylle defined in the table cell along with the "Main Menu" Take that menuStyle definition out of the table and put it in menu_data.js.

(b) You have two menu styles named "menuStyle". Rename the one you took out of the table to menuStyleMain, then change the "Main Menu" definition so that style=menuStyleMain

(c) The "Mac Trouble" faq suggests that
Just after the body tag is a good place to put the sub menus. To do this move all of your menu script definitions and your menu data to just after the body tag

Yours are in the <head> section, so you should probably move them to the top of the <body>.
In other words, move the following lines
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<script   language=JavaScript>
   if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");      
     else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

to just after the opening <body> tag in your html file.

(d) You have top=10; and left=10; in your "Main Menu". I know the downloadable sample has them set, but since the menu is relatively positioned, there is no need for those settings. I would bet that the position="relative" property overrides the absulute positioing, but just to be on the safe side, I'd delete those two lines (top= and left=).

(e) The opening <script> tag in the table, where you define your "Main Menu" is
<script language="">

The language attribute is null. Macs may not forgive. Change it to
<script language="javascript">

(f) I don't know that this would affect the menu, but you load tmiblinks.css and tmibtext.css into the html page twice.

Again, I don't have a mac to test, so I have no idea if the above will work. But it's something. Honestly, with this layout, I'd probably bag the table positioning and go with option (1)... which we can also help with if you have difficulties.

Regarding I don't see any Milonic Menu at all on that site (nor did I find the menu code... but I only looked briefly).

Hope some of that helps,


Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday September 15 2004 - 9:42:16 BST

My ears are burning :P

The reason the menu works on is because we've had to fix the many problems associated with the Mac browsers. Safari, Opera, Mozilla etc should be fine. They are just ports of the Unix/Windows versions.

IE on the Mac is different kettle of fish altogether though, it's an extremely buggy browser and if everything is not exactly correct it will hurl an error, or worse, lock up.

Normally, it's only table based menus that cause problems but it can also be your HTML, CSS and anything else that just isn't quite right.

I know it's not much help but if you ensure that your code is good and that the necessary steps have been taken, you should be OK.

Kevin's post is great and the rules in there are spot on.

Also note that Internet Explorer for the Mac is NOT supported by anybody anymore and it's only a matter of time before the security holes in the already buggy browser cause major problems. Luckily, they should be isolated to the die hard IE/Mac fans.
