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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:09
Menu looking weird (black background)
Poster: nbozic
Dated: Thursday September 16 2004 - 20:56:35 BST
Our menu usually looks OK, but several users have complained that it sometimes won't come up and has black background. Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about:
I also noticed that sometimes when I hover with the mouse over the menu, it can have a black background for a second or so, then it switches to normal. It's like it's loading or something...
Is there a way to correct this?
Poster: John
Dated: Friday September 17 2004 - 4:39:30 BST
Think I need a rubber stamp for this reply...
You need to upgrade - BADLY.
You're running RC28, more than 80 versions below the current 5.48 - not to mention it's not supported.
Also, I'd prefer not to see the menu JS calls broken up with the search JS in the middle. Can't see a reason for that.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday September 17 2004 - 10:48:05 BST
It looks like an image loading problem.
Have you tried adding to the end of your menu <SCRIPT> tags. This module will preload the images hopefully fixing the problem
Poster: nbozic
Dated: Friday September 17 2004 - 13:40:56 BST
We're actually running version 5.0. It works fine overall, except a few little annoyances that I mentioned in the post.
As for the image preloader, I'll give it a try and see how it goes - I appreciate your help.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday September 17 2004 - 19:52:35 BST
Hi NB,
nbozic wrote:
We're actually running version 5.0. It works fine overall, except a few little annoyances that I mentioned in the post.
Just to clarify... you are correct in that you are running v5. However, John is also correct:
John wrote:
You're running RC28, more than 80 versions below the current 5.48
You are running v5.0, Release Candidate (RC) 28. The RCs are beta releases that came out during earlier development. There were about 50 RCs, with some minor versions in between, before the "official" release, and now we're on v5.48. I think RC28 was released in November 2003... so it's pretty old.
nbozic wrote:
As for the image preloader, I'll give it a try and see how it goes
Not a bad plan, but it won't work unless you update. preloadimages.js requires v5.16 or later.
Here's what I'd suggest. Before anything, backup the menu source files you currently use (RC28)... that'd be milonic_src, mmenudom.js, and mmenuns4.js. Then get the latest update from the website and upload the new version of those three files to your site. You may need to do a little tweaking of your _data file at first, or maybe not. Now... does the update solve the problem? If not...
There's another thing you could try. If you put buildAllMenus = true; at the top of your menu_data.js (where the other globals are defined) it should cause the entire menu structure to be built (images and all) when the page loads. That may increase the delay for the initial load, but it should eliminate the delay when the menus are first opened.
You could also try the preloadimages.js thing. That won't cause the menus to be built onload, but it will cache all of the menu's images so that they're available for the initial menu build when the menus are opened.
Hope that helps,