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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08

Menu link not opening on TOP

Poster: e __at__
Dated: Wednesday September 22 2004 - 16:05:20 BST

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("text=Product Search;url=ProductSearch1.asp;target=_top;");
aI("text=Featured Products;url=featureproducts.asp;target=_top;");
aI("text=Contact Us;url=contactus.asp;target=_top;");
aI("text=Monthly Drawing!;url=Drawing.asp;target=_top;");

The last button IDEAS does not open properly. it remains behind other pages? If you click on "Contact Us" first and then "Ideas" I you can see it goes behind the Contact us Frame.

i have tried adding the "/"

but it still did not work and the onter links are starting to act up the same way. on PC and MAC

any ideas? thanks. e

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 5:34:16 BST

A url would be extremely helpful to see the page and interaction of the menu.


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 14:46:12 BST

At the top of the message, darlin'... :)


Poster: e __at__
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 23:04:27 BST

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 0:17:11 BST

:roll: :oops: Duh.

OK, I just tested the page in IE5.5 OS win98se and the problem you mention is not occuring. I even tried clicking different links besides the contact us, and did the calenders then clicked the menu on that and then back to contact us and then ideas. They all seem to work fine in that browser and OS. You'll have to list the OS so that someone with that can check it.


Poster: e __at__
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 1:26:23 BST

hey Ruth, thanks for looking!

by the way it seems to only occur in the order it is clicked :(
or better yet...
ex: from HOME to IDEAS at times it shows Drawing.asp WRONG!!!
ex: Product Search to Featured Products stays the same.
ex: HOME to IDEAS, IDEAS is partly seen behind home (between the iFrame and content? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

MAC IE 5.2.3
MAS OS 10.3.5

PC IE 6.0 works ok
on another PC does not (version info not currently available)

i dont even know if its the menu. though i do have to click on the links twice at times before it takes me there. then other times the hover doesnt work on IDEAS, and as i said when it does it takes me to the one before it Monthly Drawing. on first try sequentially it usually works, though if you then start jumping around the menu it stops functioning...
