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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
Dynamic HTML
Poster: robin __at__
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 10:18:46 BST
My HTML is currently localhost but can make available if neccessary. Basically I build my pages dynamically (using rexx say statements). If I do this for a basic page then the DHTML menu comes out ok. If I try this for a fairly hefty page then it does not. However if I save the source and access it as a statiic page then the DHTML menu shows. My pages are built from MySQL data under Apache, so I guess in HTML terms they are slow to be generated.
Do I have a timing problem?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 14:28:38 BST
I'm not sure about mySQL, there's a sample/demo for php/mySQL here As to the code, probably a page to be able to see what's happening would be easier for someone who knows about dynamically built menus.
Poster: robin __at__
Dated: Saturday September 25 2004 - 7:08:12 BST
Thanks for replying Ruth. I have got a bit further and narrowed it down. I built a small dummy program that basicaklly does the same as the real thing for elimination purposes and found that if I executed it from Apache root then the menu was loaded. However all my scripts execute from an Apache submenu and my small dummy program does not work when executed from there either. I have tried moving the Milonic .js files into this sub directory still without success. Perhaps this may be a clue for someone who has come across this before. I am on Linux of course.
Re: Dynamic HTML
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday September 25 2004 - 16:51:17 BST
robin __at__ wrote:
My HTML is currently localhost but can make available if neccessary.
Please do. I think we need to take a look.
Poster: robin __at__
Dated: Monday September 27 2004 - 14:03:56 BST
Ruth, John
Thanks for your patience. I have gotten this to work by putting the Milonic stuff into my subdirectory, which is also where my menu data resides. My mistake was that I assumed that the src= parm started at the Apache root, but my html comes from the subdirectory, silly me.