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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
Building menu via SQL/ASP.NET
Poster: funkykeys
Dated: Tuesday September 28 2004 - 19:01:43 BST
We're testing the 5.0 menu version to see if it'll work with a client's SQL-enabled commerce site before buying. I like the menu's customization, which we'll be using to browse products, but it doesn't appear that we can customize each menu item individually.
What's we've done behind-the-scenes is create the .js file that contains the pre-configured style and variable menu data dynamically (via a loop) from the db, since all of the menu content comes from existing product category/subcategory data.
Please see the following URL:
The menu is down on the left. If you mouseover "NOTE CARDS/REPLY CARDS" until you get to the 3rd level submenus (i.e. "Babies/Children" and "Various Themes"), you'll notice that both include arrows; only "Babies/Children," however, contains an additional set of submenus, so the arrow should only appear there to avoid confusion. Is there a way to configure these so that each **individual** menu item can be customized for a different style?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday October 5 2004 - 20:39:26 BST
I am totally illiterate when it comes to sql and aspx. You can find information on that if you do a search for asp or sql. There is a zip of a model/demo/example of a menu for asp_sql here
Now, since I've let you know I don't know asp/sql I looked at your iippc_menu_data.js file. The reason you are getting the image is that you have this
with(milonic=new menuname("MENU_655")){
aI("text=NOTE CARDS/THANK YOU;showmenu=MENU_655_485;");
aI("text=REPLY CARDS/RSVP;showmenu=MENU_655_700;");
aI("text=NOTE CARDS/THANK YOU;showmenu=MENU_655_485;");
aI("text=REPLY CARDS/RSVP;showmenu=MENU_655_700;");
Because you have showmenu=MENU_655_700, the program assumes a submenu and shows the arrow. Even if you were to eliminate the actual submenu 655_700 it would still show the arrow because of the showmenu=.
The only suggestion I can make if you must have that submenu call to an empty submenu is to create a transparent blank image the size of the subimage now used in the MENU_655, then code the aI string like this
aI("text=REPLY CARDS/RSVP;subimage=whatever.gif;showmenu=MENU_655_700;");
That would put up a transparent not visible image. Hope this helps.