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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
(CSS) Menu disappearing in IE 5.5 !
Poster: RichardH
Dated: Tuesday September 21 2004 - 9:28:09 BST
I have a weird problem with two websites>
both are designed using CSS, and when I check them in Internet Explorer 5.5 the menu is gone! It all works fine in IE5.0, IE6.0 and Mozilla/Netscape.
I don't know if it's a CSS browser-bug or a fault in Milonic menu. Any of you guys had a similar problem or know how to fix this? Thanks in advance!!
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday September 21 2004 - 14:45:02 BST
Something is wrong with your menu code files. They show as an Unlicensed version, yet license information is also contained in the code. I'd download a fresh set (you're 2 versions down anyway), make sure you're logged in when you do, don't mess with anything in the code files, and let us know how it goes.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday September 21 2004 - 22:45:47 BST
I have IE5.5 and I see the top menus on both pages. Is there some other menu that is disappearing?
Poster: RichardH
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 9:10:29 BST
Ok thanks so far.
John, I will try to download a new version. I already suspected something went wrong going from unlicensed to licensed.
Ruth, strange that the topmenu works for you in IE5.5. It doesn't show up here

EDIT: I downloaded a new version of the menu and installed it for, but the menu is still not showing up in IE5.5. Perhaps it's a CSS browser bug. But can you confirm I have the correct menu code now?
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 15:25:13 BST
Code is now up to date, Richard. However, you're missing the drawMenus(); at the end of your _data file.
Also, the menu can get very unhappy when contained within divs.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 23:21:50 BST
Again, I am seeing the menu and it's working. So, I have IE5.5, the OS is win98se. I doubt it's the css if I'm seeing it. Perhaps something with the OS?
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday September 23 2004 - 23:23:57 BST
I don't have 5.5, so I won't be much help from here on. Maybe Kevin has it loaded.
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 1:52:53 BST
Hi Richard,
I tested it on a machine running IE5.5/Win98. The menus worked fine on both sites.
I'm guessing it's a filters problem. Do you get an error icon at the left of the status bar when the page loads? If so, double-click it... does the message say "Library not registered"?
You can also try commenting out the overfilter and outfilter lines (put a // at the front of each line) in the menuStyle and submenuStyle definitions, in your menu_data.js file. Commenting those lines out shoult remove the filter effects. Now load the page again... do the menus appear?
If it turns out to be a filters problem, we'll go after the "why" and "how to fix" stuff next.
One last question: Are you using this trick to run multiple versions of IE on the same machine? (It's a great trick BTW.) If so, that would explain the filters problem in IE5.5.
Hope that helps,
Poster: RichardH
Dated: Wednesday September 29 2004 - 13:41:35 BST
Thank you very much Kevin, John, Ruth for your help! The support for this product is awesome!
John, the drawMenus(); is in the html. We implemented the Milonic menu in our content management system. So it's the CMS that generates the menu. This way it is very easy for our client to add/change or remove menu items etc.
Kevin, yes that's the trick I used to test the website on my machine. So that would be the problem then? Sorry I didn't mention using the trick in my first post, never thought of it

Thanks again guys!