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Netscape 4x Help
Poster: dmosly
Dated: Saturday October 23 2004 - 18:44:14 BST
Hi new user with the code. Our client still supports Netscape 4x, and I cannot get the code to work in it. The main navigation pops up and the rollovers work, but none of the drop down menus appear. Any help would be greatly appreciated ... late1.aspx
Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday October 23 2004 - 20:33:50 BST
Where you have script paths try starting with the slash, by removing the ...
From .../
To /
Where you have numeric values remove the quotes.
From borderwidth="0";
To borderwidth=0;
I'm novice with backend, so I'm not sure how you draw the menus, I see menu items in td's but you also have the same labels under Investors, but nowhere do I see in a menuitem showmenu=Profile; for example. That is what calls the submenus. Investors contains your main menu items but the code on your page is in a different order and appears completely separate from calling the menu.
Poster: dmosly
Dated: Saturday October 23 2004 - 20:38:51 BST
I actually just figured it out about 10 minutes ago. I placed the call script in the table cell that I had, but read through the faq and figured out that I needed to add the main menu call in the table instead.
Up and running in NN 4x!
Thanks though!
Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday October 23 2004 - 20:53:19 BST
I don't see any submenus, maybe you didn't update the test, I'm using Safari.
Poster: dmosly
Dated: Saturday October 23 2004 - 21:00:17 BST
I haven't updated that page yet. I tested it in PC, N 4.7, IE, Netscape 7.1, Firefox and old Mozilla.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday October 24 2004 - 2:28:57 BST
I have netscape 4.79. I'm only replying here so if you continue to have a problem I'll get a notification when you post something, although I'm not saying I can actually solve it

Similar problem with 5.1 in NS 4.79
Poster: hav
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 4:48:49 BST
Hi - I'm having a similar problem in 4.79 with ver 5.51 at
The sidebar frame uses 3.4 for the menu because it does cross-frame sub menues -- but the top frame uses 5.51 and opens all sub menues in itself - no cross frame stuff.
I've tried starting script paths with "/" and moving the various script includes between the header and the cell where the menu will reside.
Current status is that the menu and sub menues display correctly BUT, if I click, the linked page is opened in the top frame instead of the target frame and there is a javascript error like...
line 20:
opentree is not defined
THis is only in 4.79 (as far as I can tell) - everything seems to work ok in ns7, moz 1.7.3, ff 1.0-pr, opera 7.54 and IE6.whatever (can't test older IE here).
Does anyone have any suggestions short of my diving into the menu code?
(I HATE ending up with a local modified version)
Poster: John
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 5:35:56 BST
I'm a bit confused by topBar.htm. You've got <body>, some pieces of 2 tables, and a <script> inside the <head>, then </head> and you continue on with another <script>, etc. That syntax is incorrect. It may or may not be causing a problem (with NS4 who knows??), but needs to be corrected anyway. I'd try the menu calls as the first items after the <body>.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 13:10:05 BST
A couple of things need to be changed with regard your menu_data.js file. I have IE5.5 and am having some problems. You have things like target='main' get rid of the ' in that, you don't use that in the aI string. Also, I'm not sure why you have that file in script tags in the table cell, and I don't know if it will mess things up in some browsers, but the directions for table bound say that except for the actual table menu, the other calls go immediately after the body tag. So, the only thing in the table cell would be the menuCell.js and the rest would be just after the body tag.
That said, I've tried a search on this, try this link and see if it helps you. Let us know if you need more help.
Poster: hav
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 17:26:14 BST
Hi Ruth - and thanks - yes - using a javascript call instead of a url with target spec works ok (though it seems an odd requirement).
The use of 'main' and placement of script includes were just desperation stabs to see if they made any difference - they did not, of course.
I was still getting errors about an undefined function opentree() when using ns4.x -- so I just added a null opentree function in the milonic_src.js file. (added it close to the existing null function named oTree

This looks like just an out of date mmenus4.js file in the 5.51 distribution - things like calls to functions that don't exist and lack of target support seem like simple maintenance bugs -- no?
Does anyone know of plans to look at this stuff - I mean, I have clients that insist on continued support for older browsers because they have customers that still use them and a sale is a sale - even if to a clueless or stubborn person.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 20:10:49 BST
Programming is a foreign language and beyond me, though version 5.51 is an Oct 18 version, and as far as I know as a file gets upgraded they each get upgraded since they 'work' together. I don't think you could mix 5.51 with say 5.48. I do know that Version 5 does not 'support' frames. By that I mean you can use it in frames but the submenus have to open in the same frame as the menu. There is a workaround, if you haven't seen it, here NON-supported Frames Code by Hergio
This code let's you emulate the version 3 frames menu. But, it's NOT a frames menu. You are using a javascript function to open the submenus in a different frame, except they are really pop menus, i.e. the 'showmenu' is not what's working, but the javascript function for the pop menu. IT IS NOT supported by Milonic since Milonic did not create it. THough your setup with the two menus seems to work just fine.
Poster: hav
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 20:31:39 BST
Hey Ruth - thanks- yes - I use ver 3.4 in the sidebar and it is modified because I have to target different frames for the popups - needed to be able to specify several possible frame tatgets and have the sidebar code work through the list till it finds one that works (some of the products on the site have their own frame set - nice and nasty all at once

The problems I am having at the moment are all related to 5.51 in the top frame where cross-frame use is not an issue. Anyway - I sent a note to support about the two issues (no opentree() function and broken target support for item urls) -- these seem to me just crack slippers that happen all the time.
Anyway - I think I have it (at least mostly) working for now in all browsers - still trying to get someone to test in older IE versions though - I have only IE 6 available here.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday October 29 2004 - 21:48:22 BST
Works fine in IE 5.5, Netscape 7.1, Opera 6.05, 7.11, Firebird .07. You might put a link to make it easy for people to go check it. The link you have gives the file to download. I only checked the version 5.51, didn't think about the other, and I'm on a slow dial-up it takes forever for the pages to load. Hopefully someone else will think to check the version 3 if they check it for you.