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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:04
Opencube Menu - used milonic dhtml for one menu
Poster: naveedarif
Dated: Thursday November 4 2004 - 19:39:41 GMT
Firstly, thanks to the previous replies regarding my embedding of dhtml menu inside table. I have that part working now.
Now, I am trying to use milonic for a horizontal menu, and Visual Quick Menu Pro (opencube dot com) for a vertical menu. What I am finding is that somehow, they are in conflict with each other and I can only show one menu at a time, not both together. Thats where I need help.
If I comment out the left nav menu code, top nav menu appears fine.
And if I comment out the top nav menu code, then the left nav menu appears fine.
Please help.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday November 4 2004 - 19:52:43 GMT
Why would you want to use both systems on the same page?
Effectively, they are the same product so it just seems a little overkill to include two lots of .js scripts for two different systems.
I'm sure the conflict is a variable name match but without actually having a copy of the Opencube system, I can't say for sure. Jesse or James (that's there real names BTW) at Opencube might also have an answer, if you've bought their system, I'm guessing you'd have tech support.