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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:04

Menus don't disappear over and IFrame in NS Firefox

Poster: Chris_Barlow __at__
Dated: Friday November 5 2004 - 17:29:10 GMT

I am using a menu that displays horizontally at the top of the screen and has vertical dropdown menus.

Under the horizontal menu, the rest of the page is an iFrame displaying a different page. In IE and Netscape, the menus popup and operate without a problem. In Netscape Firefox PR1 (user agent below), the mouse out is not captured properly and the menu does not disappear.

Is there a fix planned for this when the final release becomes available?

HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041001 Firefox/0.10.1

I am having the same problem...

Poster: david.morrison
Dated: Tuesday December 28 2004 - 17:20:46 GMT

I've tried a couple hacks but none seem to give me the performance I'm looking for...

my best solution so far was to have an transparent div that sits over the iframe and is turned on and off via the onfunction and offfunction. this doesn't work 100% tho because quick movements over the menu will leave the div still on top (the mouseout event never fires) and you cant obtain focus on the iframe unless you move over the menu slowly...

the solutions i found in other searches suggested using the closeonclick property but that woln't work because if someone hovers over the menu without clicking on something it will still get stuck...

any help would be greatly appreciated... this is the only bug thats stopping my boss from approving the worldwide dhtml license purchase

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday December 28 2004 - 17:37:53 GMT

Chris -

Firefox is in final - 1.0. You appear to be pretty far down-level.

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday December 28 2004 - 17:38:16 GMT

David -

Got a URL?

Poster: david.morrison
Dated: Tuesday December 28 2004 - 18:19:35 GMT

i dont have any examples that work outside our system


it appears the milonic iframe example suffers from the same symptoms

if you hover over the "milonic - opened in new window" menu and then move straight from the menu to the iframe you'll notice the iframe sticks.

i'm using version 1.0 of firefox...

Poster: Leeson
Dated: Thursday January 20 2005 - 16:28:00 GMT

I think the problem is that some browsers just cant hack the menuitem/iFrame overlap For instance the (dead) browser IE for Mac will always display the menu underneath the iFrame (hiding the submenus) and Safari will not capture mouseover where the meny overlaps the iFrame (causing the menu to close superfast, making it impossible to klick anything). Thus it is an issue with the browsers, not the menu.

One way to get around these problems is to make a hidden iFrame where the content is loaded, and use a loader script to load the content of the iFrame into a div, placed where the iFrame used to be. You may look at our work-in-progress, learning-as-i-go webpage, to see how this may work. (I am by no means a professional webdesigner, so take it for what it is)