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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:05
Embedding Menu inside a Layer instead a table
Poster: peter2
Dated: Monday November 1 2004 - 22:54:01 GMT
Is it possible to embedd a menu inside a layer like described on the webpage of milonic. i am asking this because i should get a new menu to work on an existing page that was built entirely with boxed layers. now to embed a menu in a layer would simplifiy the hole prosess. ohterwise i would have to bulid the site from scratch. locially the menu should work on crossplatforms.
thanks for any advise
Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday November 2 2004 - 1:56:00 GMT
If you mean inside a div, no you don't want to do that.
Can you possibly just use top and left position?
A link might help to see what you have to work with.
Table or Div embeded
Poster: peter2
Dated: Tuesday November 2 2004 - 17:34:48 GMT
Maz wrote:
If you mean inside a div, no you don't want to do that.
Can you possibly just use top and left position?
A link might help to see what you have to work with.
Can you possibly just use top and left position?
A link might help to see what you have to work with.
hi maz
ok, i have but up a link that works. if you check the menu, it seem to work if one uses monzilla, and that is ok, but if you check it with safari on a mac, there is a big gap between the main menu and the submenu. interesting is too, that the newsscroller in the lower part with picts etc. works under mozilla but not under safari. somehow the menu seems not to like anything on the page.
regards kevin
Re: Table or Div embeded
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday November 2 2004 - 19:03:32 GMT
Hi Peter,
peter2 wrote:
Maz wrote:
If you mean inside a div, no you don't want to do that. Can you possibly just use top and left position? seem to work if one uses monzilla, and that is ok, but if you check it with safari on a mac, there is a big gap between the main menu and the submenu.
I'm thinking that the gap (which appears in IE6/WinXP also) is because you have done what Maz said you should not do: you've placed all of the menu code inside of a div. (1) Remove all of the menu stuff from the div (leave the empty div for spacing if you like). (2) Place your "Main Menu" back in your menu_data.js file. (3) Set the position of your "Main Menu" using the left=0 (or screenposition="left") and top=300 like you currently do. Once outside of the div, the menu should behave properly.
Also, you are currently using a very old beta release: v5.0, Release Candidate 19. That release is many, many versions back and over a year old. There have been many updates since. So, before proceeding, it would be wise to download an update and upload the new mmenudom.js, mmenuns4.js, and milonic_src.js files to your server.
Don't know anything about your news scroller, but once the menu issues are worked out, we may be able to help with the scroller.