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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:03

Do scripts from free hosts interfere with the Milonic menu?

Poster: LuxAngel
Dated: Saturday November 20 2004 - 0:05:20 GMT

I recommend the Milonic DHTML menu to all the webmasters that have complimented mine, and inquired about the product. One person that tried to use the Milonic menu had a problem with a 2nd menu showing up. After helping him through the process and asking him to check to see if he had uploaded the necessary .js files, I finally broke down and altered the datamenu for him. LOL!

To minimize problems, I then asked him to delete and then re-upload the other necessary .js files to his host. The problem with a second menu appearing persisted. Made me wonder if it was due to the (seemingly millions of scripts) that Geocities uses.

When my site was hosted by Yahoo Geocities, 2 scripts that I used couldn't be displayed when I used their system to preview a page before saving it: one was a pop-up script, and the other was a rollover script for my menu links.

Anyone know anything about this?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 30 2004 - 2:38:15 GMT

Sorry, I don't. In order to see what's causing it we'd have to know the page so we could take a look.
