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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:27

Transparent in offbgcolor - color in onbgcolor

Poster: edweill
Dated: Wednesday May 26 2004 - 22:13:52 BST

We have a gradient beneath the menu and would like to see the text against that gradient when we are not pointing at that menu item. If you go on the item, we would like a gold color "#FFEC73" as the item background. I tried using offbgcolor='', but this results in the gold color appearing and not going away when off. I tried offbgcolor=' ' . This works for pc but again has the gold color staying on my Mac test platform
g3 os9 with ie5. Is there a good way to return to no bgcolor so the underlying gradient shows through?

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday May 26 2004 - 22:43:47 BST

Hi Ed,

Things to try, in the order that I'd try them.

(1) delete offbgcolor entirely from the style. The default should be transparent.

(2) offbgcolor="transparent";

(3) offbgcolor=null; (no quotes)

(4) offbgcolor=""; (no space between the quotes)

Test each one in a variety of browsers, since there is variation in how browsers interpret "transparent". If you don't find one that works well for all of your targeted browsers, then you may have to set the offbgcolor conditionally (using "if"s with some browser sniffing); which isn't too hard to do.



Poster: edweill
Dated: Thursday May 27 2004 - 15:24:21 BST

Thanks for the suggestions. On my test platforms (win2000 IE6, win98 IE6, and MAC OS9 IE5) the "transparent" seems to work. I am having it tested on a couple of other platforms (MAC OSX Safari and MAC OS9.2 IE5.1.7).

I also am trying using "bgimage=/i/bgdn.gif;overbgimage=/i/bgup.gif;" where bgdn.gif is a transparent gif and bgup.gif has my color. This also works on my three test platforms

Thanks again!