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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:29
onclick not working
Poster: scoobyd
Dated: Thursday May 13 2004 - 0:51:53 BST
I'm hoping that someone can help me with this as I have a hit a brick wall in 'trying' different things.
We are testing out the Milonic menu to ensure that it will suit our needs. One thing I need to do is hook an event on to the 'click' action of the menu. Throughout our app we utilize a package called netWindows ( ), which has the ability too allow you to easily hook events to dom nodes while keeping proper scope, and thus far we have not had a problem. I have a standard sample menu up and running from off of this site and have figured out what the id's are of the items I need by utilizing the DOM inspector in Mozilla. I then loop through _mi and look for a certain feature, and if it is present ( and the dom node is not null ), I utilize:
__sig__.connectOnceByName( <domNode>, "onclick", this, "menuItemClicked" );
For some reason though, the menuItemClicked function never gets called when i click on one of the menu items. But if I change onclick to onmouseover it works fine. Is there something within the milonic source code that is stopping the bubbling of the onclick event?
I would post the code we are using but unfortunately this is not a live site. One other tidbit, is that we are not utilizing global functions, so we cannot just place a call such as onclick='javascript:mouseClick()'. Instead we utilize javascript objects with inner public and private functions.
I really want to utilize the Milonic menu within our app, but unfortunately if this does not get resolved I don't know what I'll do!
I appreciate any help in this!! Thanks!!!
Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday May 13 2004 - 6:26:54 BST
I can't help on this one, perhaps this helps: