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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:37
MAC IE Menu alignment moved
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday March 19 2004 - 22:55:35 GMT
Everything was fine last time I checked in IE before the last update.
Now MAC IE is floating all over the place on different pages.
Can someone tell me what its doing on a PC?
I suppose its taken on CSS where it wasn't before, any ideas? it works normally in other browsers.
Ruth too, your followscroll [MENU] is in the center of the page with a 100% border accross the page.
Maybe we need to change code that didn't work previously on the 100% width?
Also for Ruth: Safari, Firebird, Opera beta okay.
IE no onbgcolor change.
You could use an adjustment on the outside onborder, its overlapping to the right looking like 3 borders (too many) IE centers it and causes mainmenu items to move. May need to adjust padding or something to get on and off to be only 2 borders.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday March 20 2004 - 1:51:38 GMT
It works fine in IE 5.5, Netscape 7.1, Firebird .07. Netscape 4.79 works if you reload or resize, otherwise the bird and menu stay to the far left border and open left so you can't see it. You might be able to do some kind of javascript code that would resize the window in netscape 4.79 automatically by a few pixels. I'm sure there's a way for it to read the window size and say downsize by 2 pixels or so, so as not to change their window size much.
Problems in:
Opera 6.05, the bird bobs up and down about 10pixels so the menu never really loads even though you see it. can't use it.
Opera 7.1, works fine but the menu has the last item, the rate section never visible because it's off the bottom of the page. I'm sure that's to do with the follow scroll function. if you could get it to work, maybe having the menu fixed with a button like mine would fix that. Opera has so many new problems every time they update the browser.
Netscape 6 [ ] The rate section when you mouseover it has the 5 stars checked and on all the others the little boxes hide behind the menu so you can't reach them. Good job!!!!
PS: thanks for the info on the follow scroll. I think I might make that a separate menu and see if that fixes it. I mean a separate data file, right now it's a menu in the main file.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday March 20 2004 - 2:46:37 GMT
Thanks Ruth,
I put 5.6 back for now, is that better? Looks okay to me in all browsers.
Okay Ruth, not good news,
now in IE you have not only the border on MENU-TOP in the center of the page but also a background color 100% of the screen.
In IE the other menu submenu's and sub-sub-menus are opening in the center on top of each other.
There is an offset onborder right bottom in both safari and ie.
In IE you have 100% width bgcolor, looks okay but not present in Safari.
Here's one that works in IE but not in Safari, the large Milonic menu submenu disappears leaving an empty border and the line 'what colors...'
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday March 20 2004 - 10:20:52 GMT
ie 5.5, ns7, firebird .07 perfect
opera 7, everything fine but rate off bottom, bet that's the followscroll.
ns6.01 the rate section seems to be slanting so you only get the 4 top stars. I looked at the file and I think what you have to do is have equal images for ns6. 4 stars, then for the 3 stars, a blank and 3stars etc. I don't think that would change anything for the others.
opera 6.05, the menu keeps bouncing, that's' the followscroll I bet.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday March 20 2004 - 14:45:40 GMT
Thanks Ruth,
I think I'll leave it for now. I could make the row of stars one graphic each if it persists.
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 3:52:54 GMT
My, all the way back to 5.05 are we?
Not seeing any stars problems right now, and all else looks clean as well.
Mac OS X 10.3.3/Safari 1.2.1(v125.1). Jeez, what a mouthful...
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 4:01:41 GMT
Hi John,
I can't win, I change everything and Andy fixes the 100%, I'm going round in circles, hope we catch up soon.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 4:14:35 GMT
Ok, I fixed all the items that didnt' validate and now the page validates as to css and html 4.0 transitional. Could some mac guys check it for me again to see if there are still problems? Sea Dream Thanks very much.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 4:20:51 GMT
Why when mousing over Milonic Menu does the background and text disappear?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 4:42:22 GMT
I don't know. It uses the exact same on/off class as the main menu and the little scroll menu. Try this, I just noticed that for some reason I had fontweight in the actual menu data file, and that's the only thing different than the other ones so I took it out. Sea Dream 2
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 4:50:42 GMT
The same, is it using header? maybe header is not working right.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 6:30:17 GMT
No, I have no headers declared anywhere. Here's one last try, I found one more thing different, I had itemwidth declared where you put orientation and such, in the other menus I put it actually in the item, so I did that with this page, and I removed the filter since it doesn't show with this menu anyway. This item now matches the main menu, so if that doesn't work I have no clue. Sea Dream 3 Thanks so much for the help, Maz.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 6:53:11 GMT
No difference on the large Milonic. When mouse over main menu you can see it, but mouse over the submenu and it disappears.
still see: want colors? they're here, and I love this menu.
The odd thing is that normally the color reverses, but if you mouse over the edge borders the text turns white.
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 16:30:53 GMT
I'm seeing the same as Maz is, Ruth. For some reason it appears the text color for that menu is not 'reversing'. It looks like that is the only menu using that style, correct?
Note 5.09 is out. No changelog for it yet, but you might want to give it a try.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 18:31:51 GMT
No, John, it's using the same style as the main horizontal menu which seems to work fine. Did you check Remembrance of 9-11, Borders, Games? They like Milonic are direct links with no submenus. Maz mentioned something about white and that triggered a thought. In my styles I have defined an a.hover: and with text as white and decoration as underline. So could you guys try it again, then click the links to NEXT PAGE at the top. I put up 1 with the references to white text, then one with all references to a.hover and removed totally. If that's it, I dont' know what to do about it except remove all reference to links. It seems if you define them in styles the menu just automatically picks it up. I didn't put them in the class definitions that I actually call in the menu, they are just defined in the page style so the menu must be designed to automatically read any reference to link colors and such. Wondering if that is the case if somehow I can define them in the class definitions? Thanks so much.
Sea Dream
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 18:41:20 GMT
Heroes goes white on first mouseover, so does wonderfully versatile.
I just checked ie and you are still getting 100% centered, centered submenus, did you update?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 20:59:30 GMT
rut roh...head would be someplace else if it weren't attached!
Ok, I updated to 5.09 [whatever happened to 8, I never got notice]
No changes to styles
Removed reference to #ffffff in the a:hover and a:active in style but left text-decoration:underline
Removed all reference to links in style
If it's still doing that center thing with IE I'll have to talk to Andy about what's happening.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 21:05:29 GMT
I'll have to talk to Andy about what's happening.
No problems Ruth, just send me an email, you know the address
-- Andy
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 21:09:35 GMT
no more 100% background on the top menu, but now you have around 50% background 'MENU' centered.
IE background milonic is okay, but that's odd because Safari was the same.
Still see white text on hover mouse.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 21:27:20 GMT
I don't want to update until I see IE mac behaving, my menu has to be aligned right now, otherwise it covers the page.
I'll send some screenshots to ruth.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 23:00:17 GMT
Did you try the second and third links? I changed the style in those pages to eliminate references to the white color and links. I'm just wondering because the images you sent were for 533-t2. And, thanks so much for the pics, I do appreciate it, it's so much easier when you can see what's happening. Guess I'll have to buy a mac just to test things . Anyway, the other pages are and
and I wondered if the table problem cleared up in either of them . The menu problem will be there still since I haven't looked at what might be doing that.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday March 21 2004 - 23:10:49 GMT
There are the same, I see no submenus for Border sets and Games.
I don't see any white text on hover.
Let me know if I didn't understand.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 3:53:56 GMT
My fault. There are no submenus for those. I only meant for you to check and see if the Remembrance and the Milonic one cleared up [don't know why I said table]. Sorry.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 6:19:33 GMT
Whew, I think I found it. It was doing the same thing in the Milonic that it did for you on my firebird .07. I found out there was a center code that I didn't do a closing code in that particular data. Once I removed that then it worked in firebird, so I hope that was the same thing in the mac and it will now work.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 6:22:55 GMT
Okay Milonic is working now.
That leaves MENU at 50%.
GREAT! I updated and my menu is working again in IE. Hopefully its okay on pc too.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 6:37:31 GMT
Thanks so much, Maz. You are so helpful. I just made a change on the MENU. I switched from top= and left= to screenposition=left and top="offset= and left="offset= and moved the itemwidth=45 down to the actual item. Maybe that will fix the wide border.