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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:36
(how?) SEACH BOX function within Milonic Site Menu
Poster: XcalibuR
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 18:01:37 GMT
Hey All -
We love Mionic. Have for sometime, but the newest version is killer.
OK ? : The search box on main site menu.
How do we add a menu item like that were you fill in the form within the menu? We are moving to a the "google" search of site option and would like to add that same function.
KILLER Job on all the rest. Watch as we try your mapping (image) function soon.
SEND TO XcalibuR __at__
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Poster: John
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 18:10:50 GMT
Many thanks for the kind words First time I've heard it called a 'killer', but you're right.
As for the form - easy. Simply make all the <form>... code your text= in the aI. Here's a simple newsletter subscription form I use...
aI("text=Our Newsletter...<br><form action=><input type=hidden name=flavor value=subscribe><input type=hidden name=list value=pda><input type=text name=email><br><input type=submit value=Subscribe></form>;type=form;align=center;");
NOTE items that typically have " " around them in the HTML do NOT in this case - it would confuse the menu code.
Re-code help (tweak)
Poster: XcalibuR
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 21:34:28 GMT
Well I was almost there...
Here is Google's code for us. Less the image size which we'll shrink, can you recode this into your format? Seems I'm not getting this right...
<!-- Search Google -->
<FORM method=GET action=>
<TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFFF cellspacing=0 border=0>
<tr valign=top><td>
<IMG SRC= border=0 ALT=Google align=middle></A>
<td class="EventContent">
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
<INPUT type=submit name=sa VALUE="GO">
<INPUT type=hidden name=cof VALUE="GALT:#660066;S:;VLC:#660066;AH:left;LH:55;LC:#660066;GFNT:#666666;L:;ALC:#660066;BIMG:;LW:289;T:#000000;GIMP:#660066;AWFID:b05a081363916aba;">
<input type=hidden name=domains value=""><br><input type=radio name=sitesearch value="">
<input type=radio name=sitesearch value="" checked>
<!-- Search Google -->
Poster: John
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 21:52:56 GMT
Boy, is this going to cost...
aI("text=<FORM method=GET action=><TABLE bgcolor=#FFFFFF cellspacing=0 border=0><tr valign=top><td><A HREF=><IMG SRC= border=0 ALT=Google align=middle></A></td><td class=EventContent><INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value=><INPUT type=submit name=sa VALUE=GO><INPUT type=hidden name=cof VALUE=GALT:#660066;S:;VLC:#660066;AH:left;LH:55;LC:#660066;GFNT:#666666;L:;ALC:#660066;BIMG:;LW:289;T:#000000;GIMP:#660066;AWFID:b05a081363916aba;><input type=hidden name=domains><br><input type=radio name=sitesearch value=>www<input type=radio name=sitesearch checked>BTC</td></tr></TABLE></FORM></center>;type=form;align=center;");
I 'think' that should do it...
Poster: XcalibuR
Dated: Monday March 22 2004 - 23:47:01 GMT
John -
For you, anything !
Mucho Gratzi !