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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24
XHTML 1.0 strict
Poster: Swetsenegger
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 22:35:21 BST
When validating a website for XHTML strict, the atribute 'name' has to change to 'id' (in example with frames)
Hwen doing this, the menu does not open in the target frame anymore, I guess because the script expects a 'name' instead of 'id'
Will there be a future release supporting this?
Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday June 15 2004 - 0:30:24 BST
Good question, however, I've never attempted an iframe so not sure where it works, is its possible to escape it or use CDATA?
Poster: Swetsenegger
Dated: Tuesday June 15 2004 - 8:36:34 BST
Maz wrote:
Good question, however, I've never attempted an iframe so not sure where it works, is its possible to escape it or use CDATA?
Well to be honest you can't use iframes in XHTML strict. It's not supported anymore. So I have to solve it with layers, but how do you replace an iframe by a CSS defined layer.