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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
What version do I have? Where can I download?
Poster: kieranmullen
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 3:31:34 BST
I still have the email receipts "1 - Professional DHTML Menu Licence - $34.99 "
I purchased 4/4/2003 but never really used it... Anuyhow where can I download it again? I have a version on our website that was before that.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 4:38:04 BST
You're so far behind I've lost track
Go to for the new v5 menu. Note that the support fee needs to be renewed yearly.
Poster: kieranmullen
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 4:58:57 BST
John wrote:
You're so far behind I've lost track
Go to for the new v5 menu. Note that the support fee needs to be renewed yearly.
Go to for the new v5 menu. Note that the support fee needs to be renewed yearly.
John I am sorry to say that was quite a useless answer. Now don't you think I have entered in somehow in order to get to this website?
1 year and 2 months is not far behind. There are many people using windows 98 and an operating system is much more important that a website javascript.
(as you probably already know)The one available on the website would require me to get a new license to unlock the features (none of which I need from the newer version unless it includes bug fixes which ten should have been included )
I just want what I paid for ... nothing more...
I dont need a response to this post unless someone has an answer.
Thank you
Kieran Mullen
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 15:04:22 BST
kieranmullen wrote:
John I am sorry to say that was quite a useless answer. Now don't you think I have entered in somehow in order to get to this website?
Then I will do my best to make my answers even more useless for you.
If you had read that page you said you came in on then you would have seen that v3.5.15, dated 4/9/2003, is available at
kieranmullen wrote:
1 year and 2 months is not far behind. There are many people using windows 98 and an operating system is much more important that a website javascript.
You really don't have the knowledge (or right, for that matter) to tell me what is and/or is not far behind with this product (about which you know nothing).
It's not the time frame - it's the number of releases/upgrades. In this case, you are easily >75 versions down level. If you think that's "not far behind", then you simply don't understand.
kieranmullen wrote:
(as you probably already know)The one available on the website would require me to get a new license to unlock the features (none of which I need from the newer version unless it includes bug fixes which ten should have been included )
I just want what I paid for ... nothing more...
I just want what I paid for ... nothing more...
Then if you don't need the new features go get the unsupported version mentioned above.
Poster: kieranmullen
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:24:04 BST
quit wasting my time please. I just want what we paid for...
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:29:54 BST
Poster: kieranmullen
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:42:29 BST
I do not wish to download an evaulation copy! Nor do I wish to purchase another license. I wish to download the one that wa currenct at the time of the purchase.
"Please Note The download we have created for you is the EVALUATION COPY therefore your download will automatically contain a link to Milonic as the first item in each main menu, this is part of the free license agreement and will unfortunately affect some sample menus.
This link can be removed if you have a valid Professional or higher license agreement.
If you have valid support you will need to be logged in, in order to download the full menu."
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:47:28 BST
I'll try again
Poster: marty
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:51:37 BST
Hi Kieran,
Andy just posted the link you need to download 3.5.15 which was the current version at the time of purchase.
If you follow the link (make sure you're logged in with the details you used when you purchased ie your sales __at__ account) the system will give you the correct download.
Poster: kieranmullen
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 18:22:52 BST
Thanks marty. Your response was the most helpful.
I never remembered loggin in before for an account so I created a new one. So I logged out and request a password to be send to the e-mail provided when the menu was purchased. Sure enough a password was emailed. THen I logged in and went to the download page.
What was the latest version as of 80 days ago (when the license expired) Is there a version log on the site?
Poster: marty
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 18:43:32 BST
The version log is at would be the current version on your expiry date.
As John pointed out earlier, version 3 and even 5.11 is now obsolete and will not be supported.