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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24


Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 15:03:25 BST

Now ive downloaded i think sample 5.
Now whats the deal on this stuff...
Look at but dont use it ?
cause if keeps on showing MILONIC instead of Home or index...
So is this *----* build in now ?

Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 15:05:39 BST

It's an evaluation version you've got.

If you like it either add a link to on the page or buy a Pro copy, pretty simple really.

BTW - there's no need to swear.

Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 15:14:22 BST

well i was suprised because i have all previous versions and they dont have that build in trick..
So why start now ?

Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 15:19:49 BST

Too many people were using the menu without sticking to our terms and conditions so we had to do something about it.

All we wanted was a link and a few people didn't have the decency to offer this even though the Milonic Team have put a lot of effort into the software. So what we did was force the link on them. All you have to do is add something like <a href=>Milonic DHTML Menu</a> to your web page and the forced link in the menu will disappear.

The link is part of the TOS so isn't heavy handed we are just protecting our intellectual property. So if you have a license (free or paid for) you can download the full copy of the menu. Were you ever issued with a free license? If so, it is still valid.

Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 15:27:34 BST

well andy i dont know how that all works,i used the older one( but still looks the same) menu a long time ago.
so ....but al i was wondering was...can my menu be set to center and 100% width..

Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 15:32:07 BST

also maild you.

Poster: John
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 16:18:43 BST

john1000 wrote:
well i was suprised because i have all previous versions and they dont have that build in trick..
So why start now ?

If you really do have "all previous versions" then you would have seen this before now. It's been in place for a while, and did not just "start now".

Gotta tell you (whoever you are - doesn't really matter - I just volunteer here so this is personal) - your attitude really stinks. You would have done yourself a lot better to just ask nicely what's going on, instead of starting out nasty and swearing. Do you really think that's going to get you any help from the Team? Think again.

Another thought would have been to read the changelogs and check the board. Amazing what you might learn - then again, maybe not.

Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 16:27:29 BST

well i realy dont give much about your response,cause nobody asked you anyway.
I dont have ALL previous versions but all previous of one version,the version without copyright stuff.
as andy already answered me so who cares what you have to say...defending milonic in public? show what a "good friend" you are?
now i realy must go to the toilet....oops..

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 17:48:32 BST

Gosh... where to begin? Hmmm... Let's see. First we have,
john1000 wrote:
well i was suprised because i have all previous versions and they dont have that build in trick..
So why start now ?

Then, when a perfectly reasonable point is made about that, we have
john1000 wrote:
I dont have ALL previous versions...

Perhaps the definition of "all" changed from one post to the next. Let me just check that out... back in a sec... ... All... nope, still means pretty much what most of us are used to. Whew... good thing too. Because I sometimes use the word "all" and I like it to mean... well, you know... all.

john1000 wrote:
well i realy dont give much about your response,cause nobody asked you anyway

Hmmm... it seems to me that you asked at least a couple of questions, of no one in particular. Now let me see... if I ask a question in a public forum, without directing it to any particular participant, then is it reasonable to assume that I am asking anyone? Sorry... I'm asking you to apply some logic, which I just realized may be unfair.

john1000 wrote:
I dont have ALL previous versions but all previous of one version,the version without copyright stuff.

There has always been "copyright stuff." Or are you perhaps referring to "copy protection stuff?" Or maybe you're using your own unique, personal definition of "copyright", much as you did with "all"?

Regressing in age, john1000 wrote:
as andy already answered me so who cares what you have to say

Or, put another way... "Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!"

On the other hand, your actions seem to defy your words. Um... sorry. I'll put it simply so that you can understand... it seems evident that you cared enough about what John had to say to reply to him. Plus, just FYI (that means, "For... Your... Information") I care what John has to say. I would venture to say that lots of people care what he has to say. But I'm guessing that you also don't care what I have to say... no need to "Nyah nyah" at me.

john1000 wrote:
...defending milonic in public? show what a "good friend" you are?

I don't think John has to show what a good friend he is to anyone, especially to Milonic. He's been around here a long time. But if that was his intent, then it was certainly better motivated than the rude message you posted to start this thread.

john1000 wrote:
...well andy i dont know how that all works...

..."so im jus gunna complayn about my rite to use other peeples copyrited stuff for free. oh... an I'm also not goin to bother to search the forums... after all, i can't be even be bothered to type a few capital letters."

john1000 wrote:
...i used the older one( but still looks the same)

If you feel that it still looks the same, and that it was important enough for you to share that keen insight with us, then why not just keep using the older one?

john1000 wrote:
also maild you

If you mean "mailed" then I have no doubt that you will become their very first priority.

after much rudeness, john1000 wrote:
...can my menu be set to center and 100% width

Ah... an actual question seeking help. I can't speak for anyone else, but I also find your rudeness and your bad attitude insulting and unacceptable. Your responses to John, who has volunteered countless hours to help nice people, are particularly insulting. I realize that my opinion means nothing to you. However, without an improvement in your attitude, you will find no help from me in these forums. I suspect that many of the regular participants may feel the same way.


P.S. Just a note to anyone else reading this message. I'd like to remind you that even though I am listed as a "Team Member" I am not employed by Milonic Solitions. This post is therefore not meant to represent Milonic's opinions or attitudes. Rather, it represents my own personal opinions and attitude. I understand that I am a somewhat more prominent participant in these forums, and as such I try to restrain myself from these sorts of posts. But I sometimes can't help myself.

Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 18:40:18 BST

wauw,you wrote this...?..without any help ?
very nice :}

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 19:17:34 BST

john1000 wrote:
wauw,you wrote this...?..without any help ?
very nice :}

"wauw." I love the irony.



Poster: john1000
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 19:28:43 BST

yeah me to,.... :}

Poster: John
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 19:35:10 BST

I think we all get the picture of this user...