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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24
Problem fully displaying v5.0 menu in Opera 7.5
Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Wednesday June 9 2004 - 14:58:11 BST
I am considering acquiring the v5.0 menu. I have tested the menu in different browsers. I have noticed that, in Opera 7.51 on WinXP, the menu is cut off past the left edge of an IFrame. In other words, I have the vertical navigational menu on the left side of the page. I intend to display/target menu items in an IFrame which starts 150 px off the left margin of the window and spans all the way to the right margin. Other browsers will correctly display the menu submenus over the iframe contents. But Opera will cut off the menu when it collides against the IFrame area.
I haven't found an answer to this issue on your online forum. Any advice on that?
Thank you for your attention. -Pere
Opera 7.5: menu not fully displaying
Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Thursday June 10 2004 - 12:45:34 BST
Thank you John for your prompt reply.
Here is the link:
Please ignore all missing images and html pages. This is a test page at its initial stage. Notice how in Opera 7.5, the menu cannot display properly. It collides against the left edge of the Iframe, in which I intend to target all pages to be display.
Incidentally, I have just purchased a professional license.
Thank you for your attention.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday June 10 2004 - 15:08:06 BST
This is a bug with the Opera browser.
The Opera team have acknowledged it but have not set a date for a fix yet.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Thursday June 10 2004 - 20:46:53 BST
Thank you for your reply, Andy. Do you have any suggestion as how I can script my homepage so that client using Opera browser can get some content to the effect that this page is not well supported with Opera plus displaying the crucial links. Or even, for client using Opera browser, change the base target of all links, including those in the menu, to _blank, so that the menu does not collide with the Iframe?
I have a further query regarding using XML as the source file for menu items. Where can I find information on how to connect the menu_data.js file to XML file? What format should menu items have in an XML format? I guess I can populate the menu with Unicode Arabic, Chinese and Russian characters, as well? Is there any advantage to linking the menu data to an XML file rather than writing all menu data in the JS file itself?
Thank you for your attention.