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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25
padding for images
Poster: chinaski
Dated: Friday June 4 2004 - 20:04:09 BST
I found one other post regarding padding and the submenu image. I want to be able to padd the top and bottom of the submenu image but not the right and left.
I am trying to upgrade a menu from version 3 to the new, and am almost finished (making it look like it did before that is).
Problem with the placement of the submenu image: On the old menu it was aligned to the far right, in the middle.
On the new menu it aligns to the top of the menu item, unless I pad it.
Playing with the padding setting works fine: the arrow moves to the middle. But the problem with this is that it also moves away from the right edge of the menu.
Here is a link to the original menu:
Here is a link to the upgrade:
Thanks for any help.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday June 5 2004 - 5:43:46 BST
The arrow looks the same on both pages you gave in Netscape 4.79, 6, 7, IE5.5, Firebird.07. OS 98se The only one version 5 looks off in is Opera 6, which was a bad release for Opera. In which browser are you seeing this.
Helped myself
Poster: chinaski
Dated: Saturday June 5 2004 - 16:31:08 BST
I fiddled with the padding property and made it work. Thanks for looking at it.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday June 6 2004 - 16:19:48 BST
Could you let us know how you fixed it? It might help someone else.
Image padding
Poster: chinaski
Dated: Monday June 7 2004 - 16:22:06 BST
What I had set in the main style originally:
What worked better:
subimagepadding="7 0";
Like most things computer related, simple once I figured it out.
Thanks again. Love the menu.