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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22

Netscape error

Poster: tcwebmaster
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 14:20:00 BST

There's a strange error happening with Netscape, specifically version 4.8 on Windows 2000. The menu loads without problem when the page first loads; however, after the initial roll-over, the next time the drop-down displays, there's an space at the top and bottom of the page with << and >> respectively.

I also had trouble getting the menus to work with the js code from the install.txt file and I had to remove the "+" from the opening and closing <script> tags.

Can anyone point me to a solution? My pages need to work with Netscape 4.x. Thanks.

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 15:11:35 BST

The calls work properly as written, even with 4.79.

Post a URL.

not online yet

Poster: tcwebmaster
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 15:20:24 BST

I can't post the URL because it is not online yet. Here is the relevant code from the menu_data.js file

_menuCloseDelay=500 // The time delay for menus to remain visible on mouse out
_menuOpenDelay=150 // The time delay before menus open on mouse over
_subOffsetTop=10 // Sub menu top offset
_subOffsetLeft=-10 // Sub menu left offset

with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
overfilter="Fade(duration=0.2);Alpha(opacity=90);Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)";

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("text=Home ;showmenu=home;;status=Tusculum College Home Page;separatorsize=0");
aI("text=Admission ;showmenu=admission;;status=Admission;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Academics ;showmenu=academics;;status=Academics;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Adult ;showmenu=adult;;status=Adult;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Student Affairs ;showmenu=campus_life;;status=Campus Life;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Alumni ;showmenu=alumni;;status=Alumni;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Giving ;showmenu=giving;;status=Giving Opportunities;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Library ;showmenu=library;;status=Library;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Athletics ;showmenu=athletics;;status=Athletics;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Resources ;showmenu=resources;;status=Resources;separatorsize=1");

with(milonic=new menuname("home")){
aI("text=Tusculum College Home ;url=/index.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=About Tusculum College ;url=/about/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Mission Statement ;url=/about/mission.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=From The President ;url=/president/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Business Office ;url=/business/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=News & Events ;url=/pr/releases/current.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Maps & Directions;url=/maps/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Wallpaper ;url=/pr/releases/wallpaper3.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Search ;url=/search.html;;separatorsize=1");

The problem is that once the menu is rolled over once, every subsequent rollover displays a menu with << at the top of the menu and >> and the bottom of the page.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 15:46:24 BST

It is the overflow scroll which causes that. If you can make the submenus so they don't need that perhaps something like this just as an example idea.
with(milonic=new menuname("home")){
aI("text=Tusculum College Home ;url=/index.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=About Tusculum: Events and More;showmenu=about;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Mission Statement ;url=/about/mission.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Business Office ;url=/business/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Maps & Directions;url=/maps/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Search ;url=/search.html;;separatorsize=1");

(milonic=new menuname("about")){

aI("text=About Tusculum College;url=/about/;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=From The President ;url=/president/;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=Wallpaper ;url=/pr/releases/wallpaper3.html;;separatorsize=1");
aI("text=News & Events ;url=/pr/releases/current.html;;separatorsize=1");


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 15:56:12 BST

Exactly what version of the menu are you running?

Also, when posting any code, please make sure you use the [code][/code] tags provided on the posting page.

Another problem with netscape ...

Poster: tcwebmaster
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 15:58:15 BST

Thanks for the help with that. I think I can get it. I am having another problem with Netscape 4.8

I have a combo/select menu on the page, and when the DHTML menu expands, the combo/select menu stays on top, so that none of the choices in the DHTML menu are visible. How do I make the DHTML menu stay visible all the time when it expands?

This has been a big problem for me. Thanks.

Version 5.0

Poster: tcwebmaster
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:01:32 BST

I am running the latest version of the code available for download. Here's the header from the install.txt file


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 16:19:23 BST

That doesn't help as to version. If you open the milonic_src.js file, at the top you will see the version release i.e.
Version 5.26 - Built: Wednesday June 23 2004 - 19:15
or whichever it is. I realize you said you are not online with the menu, but if it's at all possible could post a test page with the menu and that combo/box so we can see what's happening. It's almost impossible to do with just descriptions, there are just too many variables that can cause certain actions, something you coded in the menu, something that's coded on the page, a small mistake in coding like an extra ; or something like that. Thanks,


version and URL

Poster: tcwebmaster
Dated: Thursday June 24 2004 - 19:34:25 BST

Here is the version:
Version 5.26 - Built: Wednesday June 23 2004 - 19:15

Here is a rough page I put online for you to look at. The images are not final, and not all of the menu is complete. But in Netscape 4.8, you will see how the dropdown for 'Admission' falls behind the form element for 'Financial Aid'

Thanks for your help.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Monday June 28 2004 - 22:34:17 BST

Hey TC,

Unfortunately, you don't have a lot of choices when it comes to select boxes (and various other form elements, applets, and other emedded content like flash clips)... For various reasons (depending on the object in question), these things essentially exist in their own set of layers in older browsers. Setting z-indexes, for example, will have no effect. You have only two choices: (1) Move the select box to some other location (e.g. above the main menu) where it will not overlap with the menu... or (2) Implement a system to hide the select box when an overlapping submenu opens, and re-show the select box when the overlapping menu closes. The menu system has a method of doing this; you can see an example here. You might also search the forums for other topics on hiding divs to read othe discussions.

Hope that helps,


Question about using version 3 and version 5

Poster: tcwebmaster
Dated: Tuesday June 29 2004 - 13:33:27 BST

I've seen some questions about programmatically selecting version 3 or version 5 -- meaning I'd like to select version 3 for older browsers and use version 5 for new browsers.

I know you did some coding to achieve this, but I never did find a resolution. Were you able to programmatically select either version 3 or version 5 depending on the browser?

I don't have much time at the moment to play around with it myself, but I'd be interested to hear about your experience.


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday June 29 2004 - 20:45:28 BST

Hi TC,

Yeah... If recall correctly, we met with some limited success using js browser sniffing on the client side; I believe that thread should still be in the forum (is that what you were reding?). Then, I and The person I was working with took the problem off line to work on a mockup site, testing server-side sniffing and selection of the menu script. Again we met with some success using PHP (do you use it?), but I'm not sure I can find the details. I'll look if you like.

Before you continue, If you're thinking about using v3 for NS4, to get around the select box issue, then you're going down the garden path... it won't work. You see, the issue with select boxes (and various other objects) "burning through" the menus is a general issue, not an issue specific to Milonic menus. In other words, the same troubles occur any time certain elements or objects (like selects) overlap positionally with DHTML elements. You're left with the same options in the v3 menu as you have in the v5 menu (or with any other DHTML content): move the select or hide it when the menu opens.

Let me know if you want to try the php sniffing and I'll see if I can dig it out. If you want to try the hiding thing, we can probably help you implement that too.
