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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24

Menu/IFRAME interference in Opera/Win and IE/Mac

Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Tuesday June 15 2004 - 16:24:09 BST

Could someone help me integrate a DIV hiding module so that my vertical navigational menu does not interfere with the IFRAME in Opera/Win and IE/Mac.

Throughout the navigation experience/session, my site is a frameset containing and Relevant to this discussion is , which contains both the call to the Milonic menu JS files and the IFRAME (id="contentsFrame") where all my web pages are displayed by default (please note that I have <base target="contentsFrame">). On load, the IFRAME will display by default . Click on any of the menu options under 'About the OPCW' to test how I target the pages into the IFRAME. PLEASE IGNORE ALL MISSING IMAGES AND LINKS. My interest is in resolving the menu/IFRAME interference with the above mentioned browsers.

I could look into using ASP or SSI to include/refer to the menu from the contents but that would require, I think, adding code to all exisinting contents pages (over 1,000). PHP is out of the question for server security reasons. Any input on this from anyone of you would be appreciated.

Also, I notice that when I have contents displayed in my IFRAME and then I mouse over menu options, the contents in the IFRAME wiggles/moves. How can I prevent that?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday June 16 2004 - 21:53:17 BST

I'm not sure I understand, what div is it you want to hide? There's a div hiding js file that functions with the menu. It's menu sample 14 HERE Unless it's changed the actual js file isn't in the download. You can click HERE to download the actual divhider.js file.


Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Wednesday June 16 2004 - 23:41:16 BST

Thanks for replying Ruth. My intention is not to hide any DIV. Rather, use a DIV to prevent the following problem: My menu interferes (in IE/Mac and Opera/Win) with the IFRAME in the middle of my page, where all contents get displayed as it is the target frame for all my links. Earlier, I read in this Forum that there is a way, by utilising a DIV, to prevent this interference. Do you believe that the .js file you are pointing me to could solve this issue? If you reread my message and open on one of the browsers mentioned above, you will see what I mean. Please notice also that as I mouse over menu items, the contents in the IFRAME wiggles. This happens in all browsers, including IE/Win.

Ruth wrote:
I'm not sure I understand, what div is it you want to hide? There's a div hiding js file that functions with the menu. It's menu sample 14 HERE Unless it's changed the actual js file isn't in the download. You can click HERE to download the actual divhider.js file.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday June 17 2004 - 4:11:57 BST

I guess someone else will have to help you. I did go to the page, it's why I asked about the div you wanted to hide, I thought you might want to 'hide' the iframe when displaying the menu since in Opera 7.11 ie5.5 win 98, I dont' see the menu interfering with the iframe, I see the iframe preventing the submenus from displaying. They go behind the iframe as if it were just a regular frame in a frameset. They are not available, and of course since they are behind it, I'm not seeing the iframe 'wiggle'. I am getting an error, though I don't know in reference to what. I'll post it for your information.

Inline script thread
name: ReferenceError
message: Statement on line 1: Reference to undefined variable: No such variable 'showImage'
  Line 1 of inline#2 script in

Sorry I couldn't help more. I've never done anything with iframes, let alone iframes and the menu :roll:


Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday June 17 2004 - 6:50:19 BST

There are some posts about using Iframes, not something I know either.
You could try the hide div and see what happens.

I'm not sure what all these are, sounds like the error came from the image script.

<script language="JavaScript1.2" src="../bin/messages.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="../bin/rdm_image.js"></script>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="../bin/nav_milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<script language=JavaScript>
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=../bin/nav_mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=../bin/nav_mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="../bin/nav_menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

There is probably no need for the dots just start the path with a slash should work.
