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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24

IFrames on mac - problem

Poster: vaynag
Dated: Friday June 11 2004 - 15:52:00 BST


I've had a look around this forum and there seems to be an issue with the menu appearing behind IFrames (and Flash/ Java objects) on a mac.

I've tested the menu with IFrames on a mac with IE 5.1

The solution appears to be either:

1) Move the menu so that it doesn't interfere with the IFrame. Or
2) Add code that hides the IFrame when the menu is rolled over.

Neither of the above is suitable - so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

The site I'm developing is


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday June 11 2004 - 17:59:49 BST


You pretty much came across the main solutions. I would like to note that the problem is a general one... it exists with any DHTML element, not just Milonic Menus. Temporarily hiding the interfering content when necessary seems to be the approach most often used when DHTML runs into conflict with various other objects. I can see, however, that if the bulk of your page's content is in an iframe, then constantly hiding and showing the iframe might not be very visually appealing (yikes!).

Since you're working on spaceforideas, here's an idea... I once came across a site that implemented a clever workaround. The DHTML (i.e. the menus) conflicted with an iframe, but not with other divs. So, when the user made a selection, the site targeted the new content to a hidden iframe, then read the content from the iframe and transferred it into a visible div (which essentially took the place of the iframe). So, instead of looking at the iframe, the user was looking at the content in a div. But from the user's point of view, they don't know the difference. I thought this was one of the cleverest solutions I had ever seen, but I have only seen it at that site and I have since lost the url to it (sorry, I don't do iframes so it wasn't that important to me at the time... it may actually be somewhere in the forum, but I can't recall). The approach takes some js coding, but not a ton. If you can code in js, then you might give it a try.



IFRAME/MENU interference, RAWCSS in individual menu item

Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Sunday June 13 2004 - 12:44:53 BST

Could you keep me posted on how to resolve the issue of the menu interfering with IFRAME, by using a visible DIV to get the content of the hidden IFRAME? I have the same problem in Opera7.51/WinXP, and IE5/Mac.

I recently had an email exchange with Andy regarding the menu interfering with an Iframe on Opera7.51/WinXP and IE5/Mac. He proposes using server-side includes to display menu and header content on each content page, instead of using an IFRAME to display content. Can you tell me more about using server-side includes and the menu? The problem I foresee is that I have about 1,000 existing html pages on my site and I cannot afford to type in the include commands in every single page. Also, I am not sure whether using server-side includes can have detrimental consequences for the security of my server. Also, if I were to do a server-side include for my horizontal menu to display on the left margin of the window, would I have to code the HTML on every single page so as to create an empty table cell to the left of the existing content for the menu to display? That would be too much work.

I have a further query. I want to modify the font-style of one individual menu item (bold instead of normal face). I followed the instructions in your FAQ section, but it is not working.

This is my syntax for this submenu item
aI("text=Who is the Director-General?;rawcss=fontsize:70%;fontweight:bold;fontfamily:Verdana, Tahoma, Arial;url=html/about/director-general.html;status=The Director-General of the Organisation;");

I have tried using both with and without quotes surrounding the style properties.

Thank you for your attention

Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday June 13 2004 - 12:56:04 BST


you have fontweight:bold;


Poster: pere_mr __at__
Dated: Sunday June 13 2004 - 18:41:54 BST

Thank you Maz for your answer on the RAWCSS issue. Now it worked.

Perhaps it would be useful to mention the proper syntax for fontweight=bold; in

Especially, because if you read > fontweight (14) you have

Example: fontweight='bold';

with quotes surrounding bold.

Poster: Maz
Dated: Monday June 14 2004 - 1:16:48 BST

Yes fontweight="bold"; is a regular menu style, sorry I forgot the quotes.


Poster: Leeson
Dated: Monday August 23 2004 - 12:34:42 BST

Seems like the site is redesigned to avoid the conflict. But if you are still interested there is a quite easy way to load content from a hidden iframe to a visible div (without havig to write js yourself..). I used a script from but I am sure there are others out there.

See how it works on my amateur web-page, featuring not-quite-as-fancy-as-yours design ;)