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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21

trouble at well (or when openstyle=up)

Poster: james-airlock
Dated: Thursday July 1 2004 - 17:20:24 BST

I seem to have some trouble configuring your DHTML menu.
when I set the openstyle="up" I get a 1 pixel space between the
menu and sub menu. This space ruins the creative I have,
is it at all possible to use the menus up with out having the extra space?

When the menus are set to open up the variables
_subOffsetTop=0; // Sub menu top offset
_subOffsetLeft=0; // Sub menu left offset

have NO effect, if they worked I could offset to where I want the menu opening.


Oh yeah URL ;) --> here

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday July 1 2004 - 18:17:57 BST

Maybe I'm having a tougher day than I thought, but I don't see any calls to the Milonic menu system on the page you indicate.

Poster: james-airlock
Dated: Friday July 2 2004 - 8:44:46 BST

That would be because I've not uploaded the correct html! :oops:, try now.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday July 2 2004 - 10:30:36 BST

Version 5.31a should fix the problem, now availalble.

You will need to add an offset to the top position of the menus you are opening upwards , here's how:

with(milonic=new menuname("BuschNavContent")){
aI("image=. . . . .
. . . . .


Poster: james-airlock
Dated: Friday July 2 2004 - 11:00:43 BST

Yep - that fixed it!

Thankyou for the quick responce times guys.