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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20
Menu not working with CSS?
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Saturday July 10 2004 - 20:57:19 BST
Hi all,
I have a problem at some of my pages. I use CSS to the design and amoung that a footer in the end of the pages. The problem is the footer, it is placed in the bottom of the "screen" and not the end on the page. When I scroll it just stay there.... until i move the mouse over the menu, then it drop down to the "absolute bottom" of the page.
Is this a problem (or something that need to be setup) with the menu?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday July 11 2004 - 1:50:01 BST
Could you provide a url or a test page with your html, css and the menu so we can see what's happening? There are so many possibilities, it might be something in the css, it might be something you have in the menu, it might be something else you have on the page. Thanks.
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Sunday July 11 2004 - 11:29:46 BST
Ruth wrote:
Could you provide a url or a test page with your html, css and the menu so we can see what's happening? There are so many possibilities, it might be something in the css, it might be something you have in the menu, it might be something else you have on the page. Thanks.
Can I send you a email or something like that with the login info?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday July 11 2004 - 13:52:08 BST
Sure, I have sent you an email to which you can reply. I understand you wouldnt' want to post login passwords here. The other choice would be to put a test page with a separate login, if that's possible so that you could get more help.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday July 11 2004 - 14:22:57 BST
Ok, I've been to the area. Are you speaking about the dark blue stripe area at the bottom? And, could you say which OS and browser on which the problem occurs? Thanks
One of the problems is we are not going to be able to 'see' the problem since we have logged in and have to mouse over the menu to get to the page you say the problem is...I've downloaded the page and am going to see if I can reproduce the problem on the desktop since I won't need to be logged in there.
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Sunday July 11 2004 - 19:00:14 BST
I use IE6 and WinXP.
It is the blue-footer-line there is the problem. Did you see the problem?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday July 11 2004 - 20:11:48 BST
I'm using IE 5.5 win98se and the dark blue line at the bottom is way at the bottom of the page. Your menu version is way down, you need to log in to the Milonic main page and download the newest version 5.32 Then you need to upload the 3 program files, not the menu_data.js file that is your data file and remains the same, just upload the milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js and mmenuns4.js files to replace the 3 that are up there now. FIRST- MAKE sure you back up the existing 3 files[save them in some other folder or rename them or something] in case there is any problem.
Whatever you are seeing in IE6 winxp perhaps has been fixed with the 5.32 update of the menu. I'll pass on the info to the other team members to try the site.
Poster: John
Dated: Monday July 12 2004 - 16:23:48 BST
Tried to go to the 'type=reels' page.
First thing I got was a JS error here...
Then I got a username/password error.
XP Pro/IE6.
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Wednesday July 14 2004 - 23:46:52 BST
Sorry for the late reply (have been at a short vacation).
I downloaded the 5.33 menu, uploaded the 3 files Ruth is referring to. Still the same error.
If I refresh the screen, then the footer "fall down" too (like if I move the mouse over the menu)... weird
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Wednesday July 14 2004 - 23:47:47 BST
John wrote:
Tried to go to the 'type=reels' page.
First thing I got was a JS error here...
Then I got a username/password error.
XP Pro/IE6.
First thing I got was a JS error here...
Then I got a username/password error.
XP Pro/IE6.
I dont understand.
The username and pass Ruth got is still active and should work.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday July 15 2004 - 0:10:05 BST
Still getting the JS error mentioned earlier when I click Login. If I ignore the debug I do get to the page. The footer (blue bar) is at the bottom of the page immediately. I don't have to scroll over the menu to get it down there, or am I misunderstanding something?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday July 15 2004 - 0:31:16 BST
It's the same with my browser, John. The dark blue 'footer' is all the way at the bottom of the page without any mouseover of the menu. I can't reproduce what kgp43 is saying: that the footer is at the bottom of the "visual screen" instead of the bottom of the full page so I don't know why might be causing it for kgp.
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Saturday July 17 2004 - 9:41:58 BST
this is weird.
Have you both tried to check it at the product page?
Menu -> Overview -> Reels
Some screenshots:
The footer in the "virtual buttom" of the screen and not the "real" bottom.
When I move the mouse over the menu again, then it drop down to the "real" bottom.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday July 17 2004 - 18:21:07 BST
Hi kgp43,
I've tried a number of things with your page, but as I said I have IE5.5. I did get your page to act the way the screenshot shows, but I don't believe it should have done that, and it was without the menu on it, I had removed the code. I'm not really good with divs, and there may be someone else with more knowledge who can figure out what's happening. My explantion of what I did and what happened is going to be a bit long and I apologize up front.
You have a main container div that goes around the whole page, it is defined as height: 100%; Given that, it seems to me that this div should be whatever height is necessary to cover the whole page. So, if you have tables that equal a height of say 500 px then the container div should be 500px plus however many pixels are in the top part, i.e. it should expand 100% to 'surround' everything that's defined inside it. If the tables equal 1000px then the container should be 1000 plus however many pixels are in the top part. You have that footer defined as BOTTOM: 0px, so it should render at the absolute bottom. But, when I removed the spacer you have at the bottom, the one to put some white space between the bottom of the table and the footer, the container stopped short of height: 100%, it no longer surrounded all the tables, the bottom table went about 80 pixels beyond where the bottom border of your main container div was showing. I realize you had that div in there to put space between the bottom of the table and the footer, but removing that bottom spacer shouldn't do anything but eliminate that white space, at the most the footer might render on the last 30px of the table. The main container is not going 100% when you remove that spacer.[remember I'm on IE5.5 but it did get it to do what you are seeing on your system and browser] Here's your ending code as I changed it
and here is a screenshot of what it looks like, I put a red border around the container div so it would show and I cut the image to make it smaller, so it only shows the left bottom but that footer and the red border of the container go all the way across the page. Again, since I don't know a lot about divs, maybe they read and say, oh yes, that says 100% but it's not because there's a footer div that's 30px high. But, when I read that a 'container' is 100% high, I interpret that to mean it is really 100% and will surround everything in it. But, I really don't have a clue how they work. Also, I don't have your OS nor browser so I can't test and see what happens on your system.
There are some things I'd suggest you try so you can perhaps narrow down the problem.
(1) Go into your default.css file and place a border around the container div so the div becomes visible
#container {
POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 100%; BORDER: 2px solid #ff0000;
POSITION: relative; HEIGHT: 100%; BORDER: 2px solid #ff0000;
(2) Remove the calls for the menu files on your test page.
Now you have a page without the menu and with the container div visible so you can see what's happening without the menu, and see if it is actually going the height: 100% you have defined or if it is stopping short like it did in the screenshot I put up.
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday July 17 2004 - 23:04:46 BST
Interesting that I don't see any of the data you show in your screenshots. I get the stuff at the top, with the menu, and the blue at the bottom - nothing else.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday July 18 2004 - 0:52:53 BST
I'm at the tail end here, is it a div footer problem or a menu problem, or both?
If you use height: 100% then you feed 1% for browsers that don't like it.
If the menu is not going down then use position="absolute"; because the relative might be interfering and bottom=0;.
I stay away from relative, usually if you warp something all you need is margin, padding and border even if they are 0.
Wrapper position relative is probably wrong, display:table-cell; might be more appropriate if they contain tables.
What exactly is the problem?
Poster: kgp43
Dated: Saturday August 14 2004 - 20:04:01 BST
Hi all,
I'm so sorry I didnt reply to this thread earlier. I have been working on other parts of the site and totaly forgot about this (sorry again). I have been browsing other sites, to see how they have chosen to deal with this, and I notice alot just post the footer in the end of theire content. I dont want to mess with those divs and have desided to remove the footer div (and the 100% hight div) and replace it with a standard footer below my content (seems to be the most simple solution).
I want to thank all of your for your time