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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20

indepent item height

Poster: calebgriffin
Dated: Friday July 9 2004 - 22:40:24 BST

I'm using the menu on every page of the site. Some of the pages are much longer(taller?) than the menu. On those pages, I'd like to extend the height of the menu. I thought one way to do this would be to add an extra item at the bottom with no text and no url but a specified itemheight.

And then I would change the item height based on how long/tall the page is so that the menu reaches to the bottom of page. How would I go about doing that?

Here's an example of a page where the menu reaches the bottom

Here's an example of a page where the menu does not reach the bottom.

Can I make one tall menu item while leaving the others at their current height?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday July 10 2004 - 1:13:49 BST

There might be some javascript code you could use, but I don't know how to do javascript. Without it, you could design menus for each 'size' page, but that would mean calling the particular data file for each page. Have you considered doing follow scroll? That way the menu would slide down the page as the person scrolled down. You'd set the top position as you have it now, and as the person scrolled on the long pages the menu would move with them, the top of the menu remaining at the top of the page as it moves.


Poster: Andy
Dated: Monday July 12 2004 - 11:07:35 BST

menuheight is a property that can be declared to a menu to set its height.

There seems to be a bug with the menu that is not allowing it to set the declared height though.

This has been fixed for the next version due out soon.
