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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50
how can i start a menu in right=150 (like left)...
Poster: dekel
Dated: Friday January 2 2004 - 14:44:31 GMT
i know that it isn't possible, so what can i do?
lots of thanks

Re: how can i start a menu in right=150 (like left)...
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday January 2 2004 - 16:29:04 GMT
dekel wrote:
i know that it isn't possible, so what can i do?
Hi Dekel,
I believe it's possible, but how easy it would be depends on a few things. (1) I assume you're talking about a vertical menu, correct? (2) Do you use itemwidth to set each item in the menu to a specific width? (3) Do you use menuwidth to set the menu's overall width? With that information, I may be able to whip up a solution.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday January 2 2004 - 16:29:15 GMT
Meaning you want the menu on the right side of the window? 150 in from that side? [I do that with all my little midi player thingees] If that's the case, I don't know if you can code it like that, but you could use a table, align it right, put a small 1px high 150 px wide transparent.gif into the right column, then put the menu in the second column from the right. You'd be setting the table position and putting the menu in it the way you want it to be. I remember reading in some post about positioning the menu by images. You might check that out also.
Mine is harder to do, pay attention to Kevin

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday January 2 2004 - 18:14:30 GMT
innkeeper9 wrote: attention to Kevin

Ruth, I wonder if you could tell some other people that for me?

If you want the right edge of the menu to be 150px from the right side of the browser, you can code it directly in the menu script, using the screenposition and left menu properties, like so:
with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
screenposition="right"; // menu to right side of window
left="offset=-150"; // menu adjusted to the left by 150px.
aI("etc etc etc"); // define menu items
screenposition="right"; // menu to right side of window
left="offset=-150"; // menu adjusted to the left by 150px.
aI("etc etc etc"); // define menu items
Only thing is... I don't think the original idea was to place the right side of the menu 150 px from the right side of the window. I believe the original problem was to place the right side of the menu at left coordinate 150; i.e., the right side of the menu 150 px from the left side of the window... is that correct Dekel?
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Saturday January 3 2004 - 18:12:31 GMT
Agreed Kevin, I think there is alittle miscommunication on whats requested here. So dekel knows, the coordinates start in the upper left corner of the browser, so if you want something to be 150px in from the left side, its left=150, not right=150. Its because you want XXXpx padding on the left....not XXXpx moved to the right. Anyways, just my two cents.... hehe
And Ruth, how come you use the table option? The method kevin described with the screenposition=right and the offset is probably the way to do what you are doing. No?