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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:43
Frames gripe...
Poster: brettzamora
Dated: Friday February 13 2004 - 18:12:19 GMT
Why is there such resistance to providing support for frames??? I've read all the comments on frames and I can't help but respond that frames is still a very real functional component of site design. Some designers even build frames within frames to acheive the type of functionality that meets their need.
Frames are a part of the DOM so why is Milonic so resistent to provide support for this feature? If your customer base feels the need to build sites using frames, then you should do your best to provide support for this functionality, not tell them that using frames is a bad practice.
I truly hate having my menus and my graphics scroll off the screen when users scroll the pages with long content. Sure I can cause the menu to hover, but that's not a feature I want to use. It addresses keeping the menus on the screen, however they often won't blend visually with the background they hover over. And besides, I don't want that effect anyway.
Does adding frames support really present a huge problem for Milonic?
Thanks for listening. I've said my piece. I'm just frustrated because I'm working on another very complex site design and using frames would be my best approach, but I also want to use the Milonic menu again.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday February 14 2004 - 3:06:08 GMT
I also happen to like frames for some things especially if the frame site is well designed for ease of use. There is an 'unsupported' code to use frames that Hergio worked out. Just remember it is unsupported. I believe some people have used it with pretty good results.
Re: Frames gripe...
Poster: twesson
Dated: Friday February 20 2004 - 23:05:17 GMT
brettzamora wrote:
Why is there such resistance to providing support for frames??? I've read all the comments on frames and I can't help but respond that frames is still a very real functional component of site design. Some designers even build frames within frames to acheive the type of functionality that meets their need.
Frames are a part of the DOM so why is Milonic so resistent to provide support for this feature? If your customer base feels the need to build sites using frames, then you should do your best to provide support for this functionality, not tell them that using frames is a bad practice.
I truly hate having my menus and my graphics scroll off the screen when users scroll the pages with long content. Sure I can cause the menu to hover, but that's not a feature I want to use. It addresses keeping the menus on the screen, however they often won't blend visually with the background they hover over. And besides, I don't want that effect anyway.
Does adding frames support really present a huge problem for Milonic?
Thanks for listening. I've said my piece. I'm just frustrated because I'm working on another very complex site design and using frames would be my best approach, but I also want to use the Milonic menu again.
Frames are a part of the DOM so why is Milonic so resistent to provide support for this feature? If your customer base feels the need to build sites using frames, then you should do your best to provide support for this functionality, not tell them that using frames is a bad practice.
I truly hate having my menus and my graphics scroll off the screen when users scroll the pages with long content. Sure I can cause the menu to hover, but that's not a feature I want to use. It addresses keeping the menus on the screen, however they often won't blend visually with the background they hover over. And besides, I don't want that effect anyway.
Does adding frames support really present a huge problem for Milonic?
Thanks for listening. I've said my piece. I'm just frustrated because I'm working on another very complex site design and using frames would be my best approach, but I also want to use the Milonic menu again.
Most if not all of my posts to date (recent) have been about this particular issue you speak of.
Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Monday February 23 2004 - 11:13:27 GMT
I don't think Andy and Milonic have anything against frames, but their priority has been in getting the V5 menu fully working and free of bugs.
I was a frames user and a bit dismayed that to use the V5 menu I would have to change, but I feel it was a change for the better. I learnt how to implement IFRAMES and have recently spent time studying SSI and the INCLUDEs system.
Poster: waitman
Dated: Thursday May 13 2004 - 9:09:47 BST
My comments,
Frames are incredibly awesome for password protected administrative pages however terribly bad for general public pages. They just aren't machine readable enough...
Take care,