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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:44
Difference between samples and files?
Poster: kelemvor
Dated: Wednesday February 11 2004 - 4:18:20 GMT
Specifically I'm using the "Images as Menu Backgrounds" menu. I believe I can my menu_data file with any type of the menu but what makes one different than the other? Is it jsut one of the other JS files that is different or what?
My problem is I don't want the menu to reload the background when the mouse Leaves the menu choice which it's currently doing for me. I'm not sure if I just have a wrong one of the files making it do that or what.
I see that version 5 was officially released but what exactly does that mean? There are many different samples which are all different so what was really released and what do I need to download to get the final version?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday February 11 2004 - 6:52:28 GMT
If you have a url it would help others to try and help you.
The samples are really just different coding in the menu_data.js file
so that you get certain things. Some, like tooltips has another js file
but for most each sample just has the menu_data.js file coded differently.
The other 3 files are the ones that make the menu function, your data file
is where you code it to have your particular menu the way you want it.
The final is the one with the various things having been worked out during the release candidate stage. To get it, go to the home page, login and then click on the get version 5 logo on the right.
I'm not sure about what you mean by the images reloading, unless you used different styles for your submenus that have no images?? Could you give us a url so we can see what's happening?
Poster: kelemvor
Dated: Wednesday February 11 2004 - 13:16:41 GMT
URL is:
It works great but when I MouseOff each one it reloads the image so there's a split second delay where it's not there.....
P.S. WHy do I get 2 emails every time someone replies to a topic? That's annoying...
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday February 11 2004 - 16:52:48 GMT
What browser? I'm not seeing that in any of the ones I tried Netscape 4.79, 6, 7, Opera 6, 7 IE 5 and Firebird. The only change is in the font color, nothing happens with the images. And, as to the two replies, some of us get them some don't. I personally think it's to do with the mail server...I get others like that also ones that are deemed 'spam' so maybe your server has some kind of thing on it. I don't know, but for me, I don't mind, it makes it stand out in the spam that hits everyday
See no problems
Poster: rudy
Dated: Wednesday February 11 2004 - 19:41:50 GMT
Using IE 6.0
Viewed and clicked around on your Milonic menu buttons - didn't see any delay (on mouseOver or mouseOut) in the way it was working or any other problems for that matter.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Wednesday February 11 2004 - 21:19:15 GMT
Unfortunately IE can be a bit funky at times.
Nice buttons, have you considered using transparent backgrounds on the submenu images? If you don't have transparency I think you can do it at
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday February 12 2004 - 0:20:46 GMT
I don't see the problem you describe using Safari (which can also be very picky!).
Your code is somewhat down-level, as the final release is now out. Please upgrade, and don't forget to post your license number in the appropriate spot in the comments area.
Poster: kelemvor
Dated: Thursday February 12 2004 - 0:38:23 GMT
I'm using IE6 and it's weird. Basically it's acting like on a MouseOut it reloads the background for whatever reason. Maybe I'm just having a slow connection for some reason. Oh well.
I did look into making the background transparent but the area right where the grey changes to the blue there is a lot of in between shading and if I try to make the background transparent, the edges look jagged. Still playing with that though.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday February 12 2004 - 14:30:38 GMT
Look at Tools/Internet Options.../Temporary Internet Files/Settings.../.
'Check for newer versions of stored pages' should be set to 'Automatically'.
Poster: kelemvor
Dated: Thursday February 12 2004 - 19:05:46 GMT
jgillett wrote:
Look at Tools/Internet Options.../Temporary Internet Files/Settings.../.
'Check for newer versions of stored pages' should be set to 'Automatically'.
'Check for newer versions of stored pages' should be set to 'Automatically'.
Yep, that did it. I had mine set to Always since I'm on Broadband. Set it to Auto and it works well now.