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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:02

how to use icons in menu with frames

Poster: harro
Dated: Friday December 3 2004 - 0:07:49 GMT


I'm building a menu for my site, using frames.
How can I use specific icons per menu item?

I can find it for the normal version, but not how to do this when using the framesversion.


thnx for helping me out!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 3 2004 - 21:18:18 GMT

Is this with version 3 or are you using version 5 and iFrames? If version 3, you'd use the html code for the image in the place you would normally put the text i.e. <img src=whateverimagef border=0> You can put the image and then put text after it, if you want.

Please be aware there is no support for Version 3, it is very much out of date, and has not been in development for probably a couple of years. It is available for download for those that absolutely must use frames and do not wish to go with iframes, but it is not longer supported.

If you can do it, converting to version 5 and using either iFrames or a site design that lets you use the menu with the frames would be a better choice. The new menu does so much more now given the advances in web browsing and browsers. There is a non-supported frames code for version 5 which I understand works pretty well THe information on it is about the 4th post down. You can also use version 5 with frames if you are not designing the menu to open in a different frame. For example, some people have a top frame in which they put a horizontal menu and then have the submenus open as horizontal also, leaving enough room for the menu to open in that frame. Hope this helps.
