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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:59
? more than 1 line displayed in a menu item
Poster: Carleton50
Dated: Thursday December 30 2004 - 0:12:36 GMT
Hello - I'm certain that subject line isn't very clear....
This is either a feature request or a request for help.
If you have a menu pick that appears on 1 line such as
"Community Services" is it possible for the same pick to display on 2 lines like so:
I'm trying to reduce the HorzScroll bar issue on for the following url:
If this is presently not possible, could it be added to a feature request?
The site that is licensed is
BTW, this is my first attempt at using the menu and as soon as I get a bit better and more comfortable with it (the menu) I'll be adding it to all of ZCT's pages.
Thanks very much for a great product,
Carl Underwood
Zanesville Community Theatre
re: ? more than 1 line displayed in a menu item
Poster: Carleton50
Dated: Thursday December 30 2004 - 1:33:27 GMT
I'm answering my own question - I wasn't aware that you could put html tags within the text line.....
WOW - what a very flexible product!!!! is moving forward.
Carl Underwood
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 31 2004 - 3:03:16 GMT
Hi Carl,
You might also try the links below my name the properties sections have some really good explanations. The Beginners' Guide is pretty simple but can be helpful when first learning. And, yes I agree with you totally, the menu is really flexible and designable so you can really personalize it. That's why I just went crazy for it when I first found it. You can even design one using CSS.