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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:16
Fuzzy Fonts
Poster: gdanen
Dated: Tuesday August 3 2004 - 15:00:01 BST
I just donwloaded a new version (old one was from Nov/03) and I like the nice clean font of the top-level menu. However, the sub-menus' fonts are fuzzy. Any idea how I could tweak that?
See for what I mean.
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday August 3 2004 - 15:27:50 BST
Hi Gerry -
I don't see any difference at all between the main and subs. They are both equally clear and sharp. The fact that you're using the same style for both would also seem to back that up. XP Pro/IE6.
BTW, status=; is not necessary, as it's an empty item.
Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday August 3 2004 - 15:31:33 BST
Hi Gerry,
I don't see any difference, but then I'm on a Mac.
Fonts can vary on many levels, the computer font, the font you selected and the size of the font.
So check the fonts you have on the menu and the sizes until you find something that works for you.
Poster: gdanen
Dated: Tuesday August 3 2004 - 17:01:50 BST
John wrote:
Hi Gerry -
I don't see any difference at all between the main and subs. They are both equally clear and sharp. The fact that you're using the same style for both would also seem to back that up. XP Pro/IE6.
I don't see any difference at all between the main and subs. They are both equally clear and sharp. The fact that you're using the same style for both would also seem to back that up. XP Pro/IE6.
Hi John,
Thanks for the quick reply.
It only seems to be a problem on my laptop XP PRO w/ IE6... has a cropped screenshot. Note that some of the divider lines are also missing.
That said, it works fine on two other Win2000/IE6 machines...
Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Wednesday August 4 2004 - 9:50:39 BST
Is that not the 'cleartype' settings in display properties?
Right click desktop
Click "Properties"
Click "Appearance" tab
Click "effects" button
In the "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts" -
tick and set to "standard"
That works fine on my laptop with 15" screen but I have to set it the opposite way on my PC with 20" TFT.
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 4 2004 - 14:55:23 BST
I think Andy may have hit it (thank you). I use the same settings he does for the big machine (no laptop). Made a huge difference when I set it to ClearType there.
Poster: gdanen
Dated: Wednesday August 4 2004 - 14:57:48 BST
fredlongworthhighschool wrote:
Is that not the 'cleartype' settings in display properties?
That works fine on my laptop with 15" screen but I have to set it the opposite way on my PC with 20" TFT.
That works fine on my laptop with 15" screen but I have to set it the opposite way on my PC with 20" TFT.
"standard" makes my fonts look worse, but has no effect on sub menus.
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 4 2004 - 15:03:09 BST
Aw, shucks (and stuff!). Your screen shot certainly shows the problem, but I don't know what else to tell you. Given that all is well on other machines it seems to point the finger at the laptop.
Does a different font fail the same way?
Poster: gdanen
Dated: Wednesday August 4 2004 - 15:28:49 BST
John wrote:
Aw, shucks (and stuff!). Your screen shot certainly shows the problem, but I don't know what else to tell you. Given that all is well on other machines it seems to point the finger at the laptop.
Does a different font fail the same way?
Does a different font fail the same way?
Arial vs Verdana fails too. But you may be right with the laptop. It's a widescreen unit (1920x1200 resolution). Perhaps the video driver is doing something when stretching the image. Curious though why the top level menu looks fine, but the subs don't.
I'll do some more tinkering. If I find the solution, I'll post it here.
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 4 2004 - 15:33:14 BST
Sorry I couldn't be more help, Gerry.
My desktop flat panel is a 1600x1200/20" unit. Sharp as a tack there, but maybe laptops aren't quite up to snuff yet. Still leaves the question of main/OK, sub/bad, though.
Poster: gdanen
Dated: Thursday August 5 2004 - 1:14:27 BST
John wrote:
Sorry I couldn't be more help, Gerry.
It's tough if you can't replicate it in your own environment and 7 or 8 hours time difference does not help either...
I was just going through the samples on your site, and noticed that the top level menus are fuzzy too. So are the tooltips. Could it be that the menu is ignoring the system settings for "clear text?" The download code on the samples is probably up to date, but are the samples themselves?
Grasping at straws...
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday August 5 2004 - 15:43:33 BST
gdanen wrote:
It's tough if you can't replicate it in your own environment and 7 or 8 hours time difference does not help either...
Not that much. Note that I am in Phoenix!
gdanen wrote:
I was just going through the samples on your site, and noticed that the top level menus are fuzzy too. So are the tooltips. Could it be that the menu is ignoring the system settings for "clear text?" The download code on the samples is probably up to date, but are the samples themselves?
As expected, I'm not seeing that problem at all. Andy is up to his eyeballs, and even worse now that we're pounding on him for the new treemenu, so once in a while the samples lag a bit. However, he does his best to keep everything up to date.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 5 2004 - 20:21:30 BST
One thing to note is that you do not have a shadow effect on the main menu, but you do on the submenus. I'd play with that effect and see if it's somehow doing something to the font look on your laptop.
Poster: gdanen
Dated: Thursday August 5 2004 - 20:57:16 BST
Ruth wrote:
One thing to note is that you do not have a shadow effect on the main menu, but you do on the submenus. I'd play with that effect and see if it's somehow doing something to the font look on your laptop.
Ruth, that did the trick. It seems to be the opacity & shadow parameters that cause problems for me.
Went with overfilter="Inset(duration=0.2)"; (I like inset better than fade) and now all is well.