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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30
Problems with NS Alignment,Submenu width, and Iframe reload!
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 14:42:35 BST
First my site is located at
I'm trying to make my site cross browser compatible and see problems!
In Netscape the Alignment just does not seem right!
The Submenu with is really wide in NS!
When I mouse over my menu my IFrame reloads in NS!
I had it looking pretty good and I'm just frusterated with getting this right in NS,Mozilla right now!
I wish this was not such a pain, hope it is something simple to fix!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 16:23:32 BST
I can't help with the iframe reload, that is probably something to do with the iframe resize script you have running. As to the submenus, I suggest you declare a width of the items, so in your first submenu you'd have itemwidth="185px"; right below the declared style= Also, remember that you are using the overfilter and shadow so the menu will look differently in ie than in netscape since netscape doesn't read or display those effects. I am looking at the menus one above the other in ie 5.5 and netscape 6.01 and they are aligned exactly the same.
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 17:11:20 BST
One thing you should try is updating. You're running 5.09 (now unsupported), current is 5.15.
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 17:15:49 BST
I might have to try a different script for the IFarme,but I disagree I'm using NS 7.0 and look how the menu is slightly offset to the right of the banner and Java Ticker! They line up just right in IE and I have everything set to be centered.....
Just a really strange thing getting stuff to work right with NS and Mozilla, I have not even gotten to the other Browsers yet!
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 17:36:34 BST
ok I upgraded my version to 5.15
Now it looks crappy! What do I do now as it turned my seperators White and borders White! Just saw a Black border before?
I still have to check the other Browsers but I want to fix my look before I upload it to my site!
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 17:53:37 BST
ok fixed the separator thing!
Now I have uploaded the newest version to my site and will check in NS, and Mozilla!
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 20:09:30 BST
ok I have gotten everything loaded up and it works great in IE, but in NS 7.0 and Mozilla the Links in my menus will not work to send to my IFrame!
Nothing happens at all!
I'm taking a frusterating Break!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 22:49:51 BST
I believe the iframe is not working because you do not have an id named. You have name=main, but you left out the id=main part of it. As to the positioning, you don't have a style sheet so, I might suggest since all browsers seem to have their own preset margins, that in the head of the document you put a css style in which you declare margin-top:0px, margin-right:0px; etc. and see if that helps. You can also declare margin:0px in your global style for the main menu. I have ie5.5 and netscape 6.01 and 7.1 the menu is the same position in the netscapes as in the ie 5.5, just for your information. I do remember something somewhere about netscape 7.11 and something being wrong with just that particular version.
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 0:37:56 BST
I got my links working in the sub menus now!
But one small problem still in NS!
My home button opens a whole new browser in netscape and does nothing... in IE it just reloads the home page in the IFrame....weird!
Also, The Join Now button is just an e-mail link and it opens a new browser as well and does not in just opens a new message in my e-mail browser!
Hopefully this is close to being solved!
Thanks for all your help!
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 1:55:16 BST
We can but hope we'll solve it. But, it would help to know what exactly it is you want it to do rather than what it is doing . Well, we do need to know what it's doing but also what it's supposed to do instead. So, if you could tell us what you want it to do when you click the home button and what you want it to do when you click the Join Now button, we'll be on our way.
Poster: schreiner
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 2:03:26 BST
When you click on the home button it should reload the main page into the IFrame.....No new browsers should open!
When you click on the Join Now! It should just bring up a New e-mail to new browsers should open!
Thank you,
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 3:52:03 BST
The browser problem is beyond my knowledge. I'm sure that someone will take a look. If you don't get a response in a day or so, I suggest you post the netscape opening a new window on those two items as a new subject. I'm sorry I couldn't help more.