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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:33
Getting listed as a USER on Milonic
Poster: XcalibuR
Dated: Wednesday April 14 2004 - 16:05:16 BST
Milonic Team -
How do we get listed in your user database online?
Where can I send link and bio to match.
Editors __at__
Happy User __at__
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday April 14 2004 - 18:12:57 BST
As far as I know, licensed sites are entered into that database automatically (although the process may take a while). I don't think there's anywhere to actually submit an entry. That's all I know about it. Anybody else?
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday April 14 2004 - 18:47:47 BST
You are correct, or great guru of the mid-west.
See, and click on the 'Details' link in the Professional DHTML Menu License box. Scroll to the bottom of the window that opens.
Poster: marty
Dated: Wednesday April 14 2004 - 19:44:35 BST
Hi guys,
If you've got a pro license or higher you can add your site to the list at
Usually the process is automatic (one of my joyful daily tasks) but if the menu wasn't on the site at the time I visited it may have been put on the postponed pile.
If you have no luck email me the details - marty __at__
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday April 14 2004 - 21:27:28 BST
Marty - hmmm - Marty? New user, visitor in town...
Seems to me I've heard that name somewhere before.
Poster: marty
Dated: Wednesday April 14 2004 - 21:49:47 BST
just a ghostly apparition passing by....
Poster: XcalibuR
Dated: Thursday April 15 2004 - 16:40:14 BST
Thanks gang -
Yes we bought legit license as all should...
Will use your forms...
Thanks -
M i c h a e l J a s i n s k i
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Re: Thanks
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday April 15 2004 - 16:42:45 BST
XcalibuR wrote:
Yes we bought legit license as all should...
Will use your forms...
Will use your forms...
Thank you for the license purchase, Michael. Most appreciated.