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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:30

Firefox Menus - Wrong Location on First Mouseover

Poster: Cloud
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 13:25:22 BST

Hi folks -

Just renewed my license today - having this problem with Firefox, on the first mouseover, the submenus nearest the right hand side appear in the wrong location, on the second mouseover they appear okay.

Try submenus over to the right hand side...

Also, the menu width was way too big in Firefox until I added a scroll=overflow which fixed it for some unknown reason.

I am using itemwidth to make submenus 150 pixels wide, and have offsets of 0.

Any ideas?


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 15:25:21 BST

Please see my reply in

As always, comments are welcome.

Poster: Cloud
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 16:36:08 BST

Okay, but I'm getting the exact same problem in Mozilla 1.6 as well - that's not a preview version...

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday April 29 2004 - 17:01:36 BST

Cloud wrote:
Okay, but I'm getting the exact same problem in Mozilla 1.6 as well - that's not a preview version...

Ah HA :!: An after-the-moderator-comment sneak-a-bug :!: :D

One of the folks with Mozilla will take a look ASAP.

Poster: Jamie
Dated: Tuesday May 4 2004 - 16:37:07 BST

I'm having the same problem in Mozilla and Netscape and Opera(occasionally).

On the first mouseover of the start button the menu is displayed in the bottom left corner and not above the start button, occasionally it was mis-aligned in IE that seems to have been fixed by moving the scripts to within the body tags.


Poster: Cloud
Dated: Tuesday May 18 2004 - 14:30:42 BST

Hup ;)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday May 19 2004 - 0:59:30 BST

Some of the problem for displaying above the start button image is you have
If you remove the top and left that anomaly stops.


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday May 19 2004 - 4:22:42 BST

Hi Cloud,

Your submenus are doing that because you've got the menu scripts inside of a <center>ed block of content in the body (there's a <center> tag right after the <body> tag, and the menu scripts are between it and its closing </center> tag). Why all of the subs don't center?... beats me!

You'll want to move all of the menu scripts outside of the <center>ed content (yours could probably go in the <head> just fine). Another problem you'll run after you do that is that you have position="relative" in your Main Menu. I'd suggest getting rid of that and setting the position of the menu using the top and left properties, or the sceenposition property, or some combination (e.g. screenposition="center";top=100;).

Hope that helps,


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday May 19 2004 - 4:29:50 BST


You could also try putting

in your Main Menu definition.


Poster: Cloud
Dated: Wednesday May 19 2004 - 19:36:01 BST

Thanks Kevin - I'll give that a go!

Edit: Kevin - you're a star - looking good in Mozilla.