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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:31
Context Menus
Poster: djcowan
Dated: Tuesday April 27 2004 - 23:28:33 BST
I have the following problems with the context menus (internet explorer):
1) If you never go into the context menu, the context menu won’t go away. (Can be seen on context menu samples page, move mouse up after right click).
2) If you have two frames, with context menu in each frame, original context menu wont go away if you right click in the second frame.
3) It would be nice if the menu could call a (user) function on menu close. I have a table where I highlight the row that was right clicked on. I then call the context menu. I would like to be able to “unselect” this row when the context menu closes.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday April 30 2004 - 4:06:23 BST
Well, I went to the sample page with ie5.5, right clicked and didn't go into the context menu, however as soon as I moused over a menu item it disappeared. As to having context menus in two different frames, as far as I know the menu does not support frames though there are various work arounds to get it to work in frames. So, the reason that they won't go away is that it is NOT the menu that is calling anything in the frames, it's a pop function that is used. Well, I'm not sure if you are using the unsupported code but if that is what you are using it is a pop function and not the menu calling the submenus, context menus etc. They are in effect not linked, so what you do in one context menu will not affect the other since it's not the same menu per se. Not sure I explained that clearly, hope so. As to the having the menu call a function on close, as far as I know you could create a function and have it do that. I have no idea how to create funtions, perhaps you could post what you wanted under that topic heading and those who work with functions could help you.