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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:32
Clickfunction not firing / a different operating system??
Poster: cubefree
Dated: Thursday April 22 2004 - 1:52:39 BST
V5.13 appears to have solved the problem....
I'm trying to figure out why my clickfunction (CF) is NOT firing under one server vs another.
At http://www.cubefree.NET, the host server uses OS: FreeBSD, Web server: Apache 1.3. It does NOT fire under this operating system. (I tried adding an JS alert() and it's not firing!
At http://www.cubefree.COM, the host server uses OS: WinNT, Web server: IIS. It does fire here under this operating system.
Could the OS/Web server be the difference?
My Clickfunction (CF):
function mm_changeItemProperty(dir)
//8 = offcolor, 18 = pagecolor
for (i=0;i<_mi.length;i++) {
_mi[i][8] = '#999999';
_mi[i][18] = '#999999';
_mi[_itemRef][8] = '#C94522';
document.location.href = dir;
//8 = offcolor, 18 = pagecolor
for (i=0;i<_mi.length;i++) {
_mi[i][8] = '#999999';
_mi[i][18] = '#999999';
_mi[_itemRef][8] = '#C94522';
document.location.href = dir;
Example of code which fires the CF:
aI("text="+pi+"administrative tools;url="+DOM+ts+".php#admin;"+sepp+"clickfunction=mm_changeItemProperty('"+DOM+ts+".php#admin');");
Full JS file with CF code:
JS file with main menu code:
What does my click function do?? It makes sure the left nav reflects state for sub-items with ONLY an anchor name jump link (not to another page).
Hmmmm.... any ideas??
Is there an easier way?? It's not pagematch as that requires a reload and #anchor jumps don't force that.
Also, did the milonic support form for those with licenses dissappear?