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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:14
Need DHTML set up help
Poster: seandeja
Dated: Tuesday September 2 2003 - 23:20:12 BST
HI, the page I am trying to place my dhtml menu on is The only thing is, that when I add the navigation bar to the website, it locates ontop of everything and doesn't flow with the site. I want it to be located in the right vertical panel above the depressed image of a guy.
I tried to fix the screenposition and so fort, but it comes out with an error on my page. How can I do this, what does it suppose to look like when I enter "center;middle" or the variable for the screenposition??? In other words, how do I get the nav bar on the vertical blue panel above the depressed image of the guy.
Suggestions are needed!
i fixed it, nm
Poster: seandeja
Dated: Tuesday September 2 2003 - 23:41:16 BST
Nevermind, I fixed it on my lonesome!