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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:09
calling the old menu
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday September 27 2003 - 3:24:20 BST
I've finally got the menu exactly as I want it. Yes, it won't work in NN4x or IE 4 the way I have it set up. I was thinking I could maybe do a detect and have the old files called when someone has one of those old browsers, but I'm not savvy on code. After reading a bunch, I put this code together
if (document.layers){document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="menuV3.js"><\/script>')}else{document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="menuV5.js"><\/script>')}
I'm pretty sure that is how you do it. But I did just enough struggling with how to do it to know that won't work because the version 3 also has to have mmenu.js and the version 5 has all those other files and I cannot figure out how I would do it so the menuv3.js and mmenu.js would be called for the older browsers and all the other files called up with the version 5.js file. Any help? Yes, I know I should forget the older browsers, and as a final option I know I can put different pages up for them, or just send them to the text pages, but boy that takes a lot of space and time. Still, lots of government users, schools, and poor people with older computers have the older browsers, especially NN4x.....
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday September 27 2003 - 6:40:43 BST
v5 should automatically call the code for the old NS4 browsers when detected, Ruth. Andy has built that in. Exactly what is going wrong?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday September 27 2003 - 9:45:06 BST
IT's not the menu John, it's the operator who is trying to get an effect using an added code, and if I don't try my workaround for the pagefontcolor it works perfectly. But if I use that, there's a problem in the older browsers. Here's a link to my two test pages. Just click the NEXT TEST PAGE to see how the menu changes with the font color change.
Dave helped me with the code in the menuV5-1.js file. The older browsers seem to read that code in data file, turn all the font black on the page, and then not load the menu. Anyway, for all I know it won't work in your browser either Though I was told it worked in fire something, IE5+, NN6+, Opera 7 can't remember the rest of them....
I was just thinking that maybe I could detect the old browsers and have them load a version of the menu that didn't have my workaround in it. So, as you see ... it's not the menu at all, which is marvelous, and I just love it. I also have an easier fix if I can just get it to load in those browsers.....I dont' even need to call the old one, though I'd prefer that solution. I can make a data.js for light pages and for dark ones.
Poster: John
Dated: Saturday September 27 2003 - 20:40:42 BST
Ruth, May I strongly suggest you remove the music from your site. I have a pretty powerful system, and with the music running the menu performance was drastically reduced. Needless to say, when I brought it up on my very old laptop it was even worse.
I am seeing essentially the same display on both setups - Mac OS X/Safari v85.5, and Mac PowerBook IE 5.1.7 (oldest I can go here at home), except for the Milonic Menus item.
On the first page everything seems to work fine - menus open and drop subs, mouseOver changes the text color to blue, the Milonic Menus display is fine, etc. The Next Test Page is a different story. Everything is still OK on my high speed/current browser system. However, with the IE5.1.7 system the Milonic Menus display goes to full window with the background color, and the actual menu items are displayed in the upper left corner of that window. If I mouseOver the extended background color nothing happens, but if I move up to where the menu items are located the mouseOver then works properly at the size you have defined for the menu; i.e., the blue background is restricted to just the menu item area, not the entire window of background color.
However, every once in a while, a menu will open up with a full screen background on the IE 5.1.7 system. I was just mousing back and forth across the main menu items and all of a sudden Search popped open at full screen. I went to Contact and then back to Search and it was back to its proper size.
I know this doesn't help solve the problem, but what I'm seeing is random, and that's going to make it even tougher.