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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:07
Second Submenu based on click of items in Primary submenu
Poster: InfernoCruiser
Dated: Friday October 3 2003 - 1:25:58 BST
URL is temporary (test site). I can reload if needed: ... index.html (this site shows the original menu only) - secondary would be down and to the left based on selecting items from the "Our Services" button.
Ive been reading / searching / reading, etc., and it seems this can be done, but I'm at a loss as to how to accomplish it. Using latest release (well, as of yesterday, anyways!). And yes, this version has the extra menu item removed (license item) from a copy I bought yesterday - another license will be purchased for this site also. Just need to show the client a rough idea of the final look first before they will approve the layout.
Have a main menu/submenu set up and working fine. Problem is that one of the submenus has too many items to display comfortably, so I've added "more" buttons, which drop another submenu below the first (three total). Works fine but just a little clunky.
What I would like to do, based on clicking on any of the items within the submenu that has multiple layers, is to have another menu with just the items from that submenu group pop up and stay there on those pages (the "Our Services" pages) until a completely different item from the main menu has been chosen. I've been able to get that second menu to show, but not stay.
I've read some posts and tried various methods (for what appears to be older versions of the software) that have some instructions on the basics for something like this, but I have no idea where the code should be placed and if it even works in the latest version.
If anyone has experience in doing this, I'd appreciate some pointers written in plain English.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Saturday October 4 2003 - 20:36:40 BST
I went to the URL, no gats (404 - file not found). I am not sure what you want to do either, maybe I am just not thinking clearly. Fix the URL and I am sure it will come clear and we can help you.
Poster: InfernoCruiser
Dated: Saturday October 4 2003 - 20:59:44 BST
I've loaded the site again with the latest changes. These test sites are only available for about 12 hours and then removed.
Site is: ... index.html
I've been able to add a second menu OK (added a menu_data_services.js to the directory, along with "<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="menu_data_services.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>" into the affected pages, but now the question has changed - is there a way for the "Our Services" text in the horizontal Main Menu to stay highlighted/active even when items in the vertical menu have been selected, and stay highlighted until another item in the horizontal menu has been selected?
I could probably live with it, but having the "Our Services" text act in a similar fashion as the other links would be a plus.
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday October 5 2003 - 18:41:20 BST
Still getting a 404 on the URL. Any chance of putting it somewhere else that doesn't dump it after such a short time? Keep in mind, the helpers here do not work for Milonic, and we get on the Forum when we can, not necessarily every hour of the day
Poster: InfernoCruiser
Dated: Sunday October 5 2003 - 19:01:25 BST
I do understand the issues with a temporary URL, unfortunately I am limited as to another location I can load to until the permanent URL is set up. I do appreciate the effort in your checking.
This site was loaded in the past hour or so.... ... index.html
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday October 6 2003 - 2:36:24 BST
Ok I viewed it (see timestamp on this post) and it worked, great. BUT...there were no menu's under anything except Contact. Your question was in regards to a menu under Our Services and a vertical menu, I see no such thing. Get it up, (maybe update the URL Monday morning so we get the whole day to look at it) and we'll see what we can do.
Poster: InfernoCruiser
Dated: Monday October 6 2003 - 18:14:56 BST
Current test site is: ... index.html
(was loaded at about 12:30pm eastern).
The original submenus have been replaced with vertical menus on both the "Our Services" and "Partner Bios" pages. The previous question pertaining to the link in the main menu is still what I am most interested in:
In selecting an item from the main menu, the text has states of off (white bold), mouseover (black italic bold) and selected (black bold). When I select either "Our Services" or "Partner Bios", the page changes and displays the vertical menu on the left side displaying choices available for that category. The menu is set up to directly go to the first item in the vertical menu for either of the two links mentioned above.
At that point the main menu text is still in a selected mode (black bold). As soon as you select a different item from the vertical menu, the main menu text changes to an off state and reverts back to white bold text. Only re-selecting the first item in the vertical menus brings the main menu text to an active/selected state of black bold.
Is there any way to have the main menu text stay in a selected mode while using the vertical menus? (Until a different item from the main menu is selected).
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday October 6 2003 - 18:36:33 BST
The reason its doing that is because the URL is changing. Pagecolor looks at the url and highlights the items that have that url and when you visit the Financial Reporting main page, this is the case. BUt going further into Cash Management, this no longer holds true so it doesn't highlight.
What you are doing doesn't really require the use of the menu since you are not raelly using it for hierarchial purposes. All that you are trying to do can be done with javascript (and server side code if you have it) without all the overhead of the menu.
But to keep the menu and the highlighting I think will require the use of iframes. You should stick an iframe in the middle of Financial_Repo.html where your content is and have the menu on the left target that iframe so when you click on Cash Management, the cash management content fills the iframe but you stay on the page you are so your two things that are highlighted remain.
Poster: InfernoCruiser
Dated: Monday October 6 2003 - 18:45:50 BST
Thanks, Dave.
I agree about the menu being a little overkill at this point, although it did start out being used for drop-down submenus. Worked great for a few items, but couldn't fit enough items horizontally to make it work for both in a reasonable fashion.
Thanks for the help!