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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
Implementing frame menu with v5
Poster: PaulGrogan
Dated: Wednesday October 1 2003 - 21:05:32 BST
After a long break of playing around with this menu, I'm back and trying to get it to work. Despite popular opinion, I still want to use frames, (I dont like the idea of my pretty header bar having to be on every page I do.)
Anyway, I've downloaded all the version 5 stuff and half of it confuses me (I am a complete beginner), but I have also downloaded the frames based
sample from
My first question is, Is this compatable with v5 of the menu, because a lot of the stuff in it looks very different.
I have managed to get my horizontal menu to appear in my top frame. And I have got the sub-menu's to appear at the top of the bottom frame, (which took me hours because I dont really know what I'm doing ).
The frames_header_array.js should only contain the menu items that appear on the initial menu. I got that bit.
And the name of the sub-menus that appear in the frames_body_array.js go under show-menu.
An example line looks like this
,"Testmenu1 ","show-menu=test1 target=main;sourceframe=main;",,"#",1
First of all, is this right? As the new v5 menu system seems to call it "showmenu" without the hyphen.
Also, what is the difference between target and sourceframe?
Anyway, onto the main question. I have got my menu to appear, and I have got my sub-menus to appear. And, I have also got my sub-sub menus to
appear. However, I cant get any of the links to work at all. First of all, I have a main menu option that says "This menu courtesy of". When you mouse-over it, a submenu appears in the frame below saying "Milonic". And when you click on that it should take you to the Milonic homepage, in a new window.
So, my line in the frames_header_array.js reads
,"This menu courtesy of ","show-menu=milonic target=main;sourceframe=main;",,"#",1
and in the frames_body_array.js
but when I click on it, it just comes up with "This page cannot be displayed" in the main frame.
So, its not opening it in a new window, and not finding the page.
Much of my confusion has come about because the new v5 menu system uses lines such as
aI("text=Apache Web Server;url=;status=Apache Web Server, the basis of Milonic's Web Site;");
in the menu_data.js file, whereas the old frames menu uses a completely different format, and I seem to be getting myself tied in knots, spending hours fiddling around and not getting it working.
Any help (apart from saying "Dont use frames"), greatly appreciated.
Paul Grogan
"Everything that has a beginning, has an end"
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday October 1 2003 - 21:53:40 BST
Version 5 doesn't support frames. (sorry had to say it) But you can still use that other version you are using, which is version 3. That version did support ignore all the aI() stuff you see, thats all version 5.
I am not quite sure what exactly you are doing or why its happening, but you may want to try browsing the version 3 forum. Do a search on it for frames and I am sure you will get alot of info back on problems people like yourself have encountered with v3 and frames.
I'm not one to press my opinions on others, so its totally your call what style you want to use on your site and what version. Version 3 caters fine for what you want to do. When you ever change your site, and that change does not include frames, consider moving to v5.
Re: Implementing frame menu with v5
Poster: Cam
Dated: Sunday October 5 2003 - 22:03:15 BST
I have managed to get my horizontal menu to appear in my top frame. And I have got the sub-menu's to appear at the top of the bottom frame, (which took me hours because I dont really know what I'm doing ).
hi there
I'm also trying to get this to work, i can get the menu to open in the main frame by using
My question to you is how did you manage to get the sub menu to open in a different frame as this is driving me round the bend, a copy of your code would be apprecitated!
Re: Implementing frame menu with v5
Poster: fredlongworthhighschool
Dated: Monday October 6 2003 - 8:58:19 BST
PaulGrogan wrote:
After a long break of playing around with this menu, I'm back and trying to get it to work. Despite popular opinion, I still want to use frames, (I dont like the idea of my pretty header bar having to be on every page I do.)
I know what you mean. I was really hoping to use frames on my site, but Hergio convinced me that IFRAMES were the way to go and he was right.
I do have to put a bit of code on every page to get rid of a scroll bar in the iframe window but it was worth it.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Monday October 6 2003 - 17:49:44 BST
use at your own risk...not supported.