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Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:03
Highlight ?
Poster: Lauren
Dated: Sunday October 19 2003 - 20:06:18 BST
I am using the DHTML menu (and new in this forum, a big "hello" to everybody ) ans what I dunno is why sometimes a menu title and an item in this menu are highlighted.
Is it due to last visit ? I mean : this item is highlighted because my last click was on this link ? Or Else ?
I you undersant me, and if you can help me, this would be great.
I notice just i have NO problem with the menu, it's just a question about what I noticed.
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday October 19 2003 - 20:29:38 BST
Hilighted items are simply those that are new since you last signed on to the Forum. That's why it's always important to sign on, rather than just browse around. If you don't sign on the Forum won't know what to hilight, and it also won't be able to add you signature to any posts you make.
Poster: Lauren
Dated: Sunday October 19 2003 - 20:43:36 BST
I think I didn't explain very well - thanks for you so fast answer, but my problem is not in a forum, it's in a page, a HTML page.
I include this menu in a HTML page and when I try "View" (from FrontPage 2000) my page opens in internet explorer (6) and I can try the menu. It works very well, you know.
However, I just noticed that some items were highlighted and others not.
For example, I have a menu like that (in index.html):
Menu1, menu 2, menu 3
Menu1 -> kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, garage
Menu2 -> Flowers, plants, garden, grass
Menu3 -> my family, my dog, my neighbour
When I click on menu 1, then "bedroom", I go tio the bedroom page. Ok.
When I come back to my page (index), I notice that Menu1, and bedroom are highlighted.
If I take "My dog", they stay highlighted until I come back "after" the visit in "My dog"...
Do you see what I mean ? I'm sorry, I'm French and it's not always easy to explain in english what happends...
Poster: Maz
Dated: Sunday October 19 2003 - 21:50:44 BST
What browser are you using?
Can we see the url?
John I've noticed something similar, my problem tools menu I placed in a new main menu to cover up the problem. The subimage highlighted even though I don't use current page on the tools menu, wasn't sure if its because its on the same horizontal as the top menu.
maz~your crash test dummy~
Poster: Lauren
Dated: Sunday October 19 2003 - 22:00:47 BST
I'm using IE6 under windows XP pro
I can't (for now) give you a valid url just because I'm relooking my website, so pages are unavalaible.
This should be ok in a few days. I'll tell you.
Are my explanations easy to understant ? I'm not sure :p
Poster: John
Dated: Monday October 20 2003 - 3:23:54 BST
You definitely did confuse me when you said...
Lauren wrote:
I notice just i have NO problem with the menu, it's just a question about what I noticed.
So, as Maz said, we really do need to see a URL when you have it available so we can see what's happening.
Poster: Lauren
Dated: Monday October 20 2003 - 8:00:22 BST
OK. As soon as my website is publisher on Free, I give you the URL.
It may only appear in local, why not ?
Poster: John
Dated: Monday October 20 2003 - 14:43:16 BST
maz wrote:
John I've noticed something similar, my problem tools menu I placed in a new main menu to cover up the problem. The subimage highlighted even though I don't use current page on the tools menu, wasn't sure if its because its on the same horizontal as the top menu.
Sure you don't have a style hidden in there that's causing that?
Poster: Maz
Dated: Monday October 20 2003 - 17:43:00 BST
Caught it!
I highlighted all the spaces at the end of each row and made a new return, must have been a hidden character.
Any chance I altered this by mistake?
Poster: Lauren
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 14:11:58 BST
I knwo why some parts of my menu are highlighted !!!
That's just because I made a general menu and copy / paste it into several pages, so the page where I am has a link for herself in the menu... So when scrolling the menu, the item that refers to this page (already loaded) is highlighted, just to say "you're here" ...
I understood that because I saw several pages with this menu, and each time, it wasn't the same item highlighted.
Thank you again for your help, have a good day !
PS : i can give you my website url :
Don't visit it before 6 or 7 hours after this post, otherwise you would see the ancient version.
I can't give you an hour for the update just because I'm french and it is now 15 h 10, and i dunno what time it is in your countries...
So for France, i Would say "19h"...:p
have a good day !