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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:02

Final Outstanding Bugs...

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday October 22 2003 - 21:33:19 BST

I know there are a number of posts that still have outstanding issues with v5. Some big items have just been cracked by Andy (even with all his sniveling about his flu!), and we're really close to a final.

So, if you wouldn't mind posting a quick synopsis here of what you feel isn't working, or even a link to the topic where you first posted the problem, it will make it much easier for Mr. Snivel to latch on to these items and get them fixed.


Thanks :!:

Poster: tepidarium
Dated: Wednesday October 22 2003 - 22:14:52 BST

Ok -

Netscape 4.7 assorted bugs various platforms -

for NS 4.7 crashing - these threads:

for NS 4.7 not displaying menu borders and taking more time to load - my other thread:

The hidediv function not working (discussed before)

The overall menu width parameter not working

More if I can think of it...

Poster: tepidarium
Dated: Wednesday October 22 2003 - 22:31:49 BST

Menu may not appear on Mac Internet Explorer v4.5 - I know these are old browsers but maybe compatibility list should be upgraded...

Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday October 23 2003 - 2:11:54 BST

I don't think anyone should be below Mac ie 5.1.7 and upgrade apple java run time.

It could be my silly maxed out graphic menu sliding down, but vertical align used to be top for submenu 00. update: FIXED! but menu started jumping again on mouseover, I added open onclick in menu item it seems to help.

I think I noticed left 0 plus screen position center would actually stop at left, nice if I'm correct on that.... 100% is the big one! :D

And a list of possible css naming conflicts?

And some effervescent vitamin c to Andy!

Thank you

Poster: AceT
Dated: Thursday October 23 2003 - 9:42:03 BST

Hi, I have built the menu for this now uses version 3, but we are working on version 5.

One remark, I've got a report that version 3 handles Opera 5.01 nicely, but version 5 doesn't!

Thread on the Seti-forum: ... genumber=2

PS: Since Opera doesn't handle resize actions correctely I have built a Opera-resize-tester, maybe an idea for a future release to include it? (when a page is resized in Opera 5.x/6.x the Milonic-menu becomes chaos.., here's the code I have written:

// reload function, done this insted of a 'onResize' to detect a resize in Opera 6.x (and lower)
// built by Eesger Toering
reloadteller = 0; reloadtester = 0; reloading    = 0;
function Herladen() { if(!reloading) {window.location.reload();reloading=1 } }
function reloadtesterFunction() {
  reloadtesterNIEUW = parent.innerWidth/parent.innerHeight;
  if (reloadtester != reloadtesterNIEUW && reloadtester > 0) {reloadteller++ }
  if (reloadteller > 0 ) { Herladen() }
//  document.Info.text.value = Date()+'\n'+reloadtester+'\n'+reloadtesterNIEUW+'\n'+reloadteller;
  reloadtester = reloadtesterNIEUW;
if(op)   {setTimeout("reloadtesterFunction()",4000);}

PS: do I get a discount now, when I need a commercial version ;) ?

onclass/offclass Problems

Poster: nbarth
Dated: Thursday October 23 2003 - 19:27:15 BST

I am assuming this is a bug because no one has been able to help.

Someone might want to take a look at this as well.

mmenuns4.js & uparrow.gif

Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 1:53:48 BST

There remains a 404 error with Netscape browsers calling the file uparrow.gif. It should be arrow.gif.

Please see my post of Oct 2nd.

XHTML compliance

Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 2:00:01 BST

The following is not XHTML compliant. Although it may not be considered a "bug", I thought I would raise the issue again.

<script language=JavaScript>
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");

My workaround has been to call this sciprt in a separate .js file. Please refer to

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 2:03:57 BST

AceT wrote:
... (when a page is resized in Opera 5.x/6.x the Milonic-menu becomes chaos..,

Just to add... I don't have a problem resizing with opera 6.05 in Win2k. Don't have op5, so can't comment on that.


Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 2:10:05 BST

Pat XHTML requires CDATA to hide any and all scripts.
(Comment noted and revised)

This is how to place the code in xhtml:


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    Milonic DHTML Website Navigation Menu Version 5.0
    Written by Andy Woolley - Copyright 2003 (c) Milonic Solutions Limited.   
  All Rights Reserved.
    Please visit for more information.

    Although this software may have been freely downloaded, you must obtain a license before using it in any production environment.      
    The free use of this menu is only available for Non-Profit, Educational & Personal Web Sites who have obtained a license to use.
    Free, Commercial and Corporate Licenses are available from our website.
    You also need to include a link back to if you use the free license.
    All Copyright notices MUST remain in place at ALL times.
    This includes the first three lines of this notice on every page that uses the menu.
    If you cannot comply with all of the above requirements, please contact us to arrange license waiver.
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="milonic_src.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>   
<script   language=JavaScript  type="text/javascript">
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");      
  else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>   

Be carefull if you copy and paste from the forum, you might pick up hidden characters. Make fresh returns to make sure its clean.


Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 2:20:38 BST

Sorry Maz, I don't know what CDATA is. I am referring to the install instructions for the js code required to be placed on each page where the menu is to appear.

Poster: tepidarium
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 5:01:52 BST

When embedding one milonic menu in atable cell and setting postion to relative, sometimes Milonic menu can obscure form elements which occur in the flow of the code before the menu - the following example shows the blue background obscuring the form element above the menu (NOTE - this can only be seen in Netscape 6.1 - other browsers work fine... EXTRA NOTE - This problem did occur in Internet explorer but was solved by only embedding one menu in a table cell. Extra Extra Note -Upon relod of page Netscape 6.1 will display form element.

URL for problem:

Url for thread:

Url for original thread:

Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday October 24 2003 - 18:12:13 BST

I have it :D

Faster loading, predefined bgimage changeover, all we need is background position.

bgimageposition= "x, 1px, 1px"; /*or em :? */
a.bgimageposition: "x, 1px, 10px";
h.bgimageposition: "x, 1px, 20px";
p.bgimageposition: "x, 1px, 30px";

say you have 4 images line them up in one image on top of each other.
You load one image, each time you call the same image in a different position.

Get it?

Andy how about it?


Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Monday October 27 2003 - 2:41:22 GMT

Thanks, Maz. I didn't see the details on CDATA the first time. It worked, except I just needed to add a type="text/javascript" to make it compliant....

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt language=JavaScript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");

Thanks again.

Bug in IE5.2 for MAC ?

Poster: henrik __at__
Dated: Monday October 27 2003 - 7:54:51 GMT


I have just testet RC18 and seen that following Bugs still remain for MAC IE5.2.

Offset properties for left and top sets the setoff different than in other browsers.

Look at

In the top right corner there is a popup language menu. It works fine in Safari and WIN IE6 but cannot be seen in MAC IE5.2. If I remove the "offset" for top and left property the language menu can be seen.

The setoffs are also wrong in the mainmenu.

Hope you can help



Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday October 29 2003 - 0:01:32 GMT

Using align as a menu property does not work. Using it as a menu style property or a menu item property does work, with the item use overriding the style use. Using ie6/ns7/win2k - RC19, Tuesday October 28 2003 - 11:12.



Poster: tepidarium
Dated: Wednesday October 29 2003 - 1:08:04 GMT

With the release of RC 19 - menu still crashes NS 4.7 running on MAC OS 9. Menu does not function correctly on IE 4.5 on MAC OS 9 - submenus don't position correctly & then menu stops responding...

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday October 29 2003 - 23:14:53 GMT

I reported this in the bug forum a few RCs back, so please forgive the repeat. But since that forum is history, and since I notice the issue is still present, I thought I'd mention it here again.

The internal browser checking fails for Opera 6 when you set the browser to "Identify as Opera" under Quick Preferences (F12). If youi set it to identify as any other available setting -- Mozilla 5.0, Mozilla 4.78, Mozilla 3.0, MSIE 50 -- then op6 (in milonic_src.js) is true. This may not really be an internal "bug" unless some function internal to the menu is going to rely on an accurate op6 test. If that were the case, then I'd think this is a slightly more important matter. It also affects anyone who may wish to use the menu system's internal browser sniffing, since it's very thorough and uses common flags like ie5, ie55, ns7, op6, etc.

Testing with Opera 6.05 in Win2k, with any "Identify as" setting other than Opera, the navigator.userAgent contains 'Opera 6.05'. For example, a setting of Mozilla 5.0 yields a userAgent of
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; U) Opera 6.05 [en]

on the machine I'm using right now. But setting it to "Identify as Opera" yields a userAgent of
Opera/6.05 (Windows 2000; U) [en]

Note that the "Opera" part in this case contains a forward slash, as do the other "browser name/version num" representations when identifying as other browsers. The current test for op6 looks for userAgent.toLowerCase() containing 'opera 6', so the 'opera/6.05' that results from "Identify as Opera" fails the current op6 test.

Essentially, if you treated it like the current test for op7, it would work. In other words, Change
op6=(_nu.indexOf("opera 6")!=-1)?_t:_f;

op6=(_nu.indexOf("opera 6")!=-1||_nu.indexOf("opera/6")!=-1)?_t:_f;

Hope that made sense,


Poster: stephen702
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 21:41:49 GMT

In Opera 6, when my home page is first displayed, the border around the menu shrinks inward and then disappears, while the entire horizontal menu begins to march slowly to the right. The marching stops when the menu hits the right edge of the screen, so the menu is always visible. However, there's a bit of tag with the mouse while it's marching!

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 21:45:51 GMT

Try removing the over and out filters for your menuStyle2 (the one you use on the main menu). There is no reason to have a filter on this menu since its always visible and will not go through any transitions.

RC20 - screenposition, offset and followscroll problems

Poster: 4viggo
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 12:39:25 GMT

The screenpositon is causing the offset to refere to the top instead of to the previous menu.
In the example below everything works fine, the menu follows scroll and the submenu opens up 30px below the main menu.

with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial";
overfilter="Fade(duration=0.2);Alpha(opacity=90);Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)";

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){

   with(milonic=new menuname("Links")){
   aI("text=Apache Web Server;url=;status=Apache Web Server, the basis of Milonic's Web Site;");
   aI("text=MySQL Database Server;url=;status=MySQL, Milonic's Prefered Choice of Database Server;");
   aI("text=PHP - Development;url=;status=PHP - Web Server Scripting as used by Milonic;");


When trying to center the submenu using screenposition, the submenu no longer place it self according to the main menu, but is placed relative to the top:
with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial";
overfilter="Fade(duration=0.2);Alpha(opacity=90);Shadow(color='#777777', Direction=135, Strength=5)";

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){

   with(milonic=new menuname("Links")){
   aI("text=Apache Web Server;url=;status=Apache Web Server, the basis of Milonic's Web Site;");
   aI("text=MySQL Database Server;url=;status=MySQL, Milonic's Prefered Choice of Database Server;");
   aI("text=PHP - Development;url=;status=PHP - Web Server Scripting as used by Milonic;");



Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 20:59:49 GMT

mac ie 5.1.7 RC 20

vertical menu submenu opens down the page, jerks around on followscroll, and all menus have become transparent. Most of mine have background images with background color set to transparent.
below -www-


Menu Width -> Firebird

Poster: Cloud
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 10:47:12 GMT

[Copied from another thread.]

Hi again -

Unfortunately another bug seems to have popped up in RC20 (sorry for the pun) - in Firebird/Mozilla, the width of the drop downs is about 3 times wider than it should be - padded on both sides.


Users reporting this bug here: ... styleid=17

Menuwidth="100%" command broken in RC20

Poster: Marc-Andre.Roberge __at__ mus.ul
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 14:19:35 GMT

Following Hergio's suggestion, I am posting the contents of two messages I posted in the same thread <> in this forum section.

Message 1:
I had finally found how to use the menuwidth="100%" command to cause the menu bar to extend to the right edge of the screen a few RCs ago. Now, I just installed RC20 and the menu bar now stops at the end of the last main menu item. Has the command been broken? I was forced to revert to RC18 to see my menu as I want it to look. My code reads as follows:

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
//Following two lines added to make menu fill entire screen

aI("text=Personnes;showmenu=personnes;status=Noms de personnes : orthographe, signes diacritiques, traits d\'union, particules, titres de noblesse, pseudonymes, translittération, etc.");


Message 2:
First, the documentation at <> no longer contains any text next to the "menuwidth" variable. Should I understand that it is no longer fully functional?

Second, if I comment out the lines


and use the following for my last menu entry


my main menu, with RC20, extends to the right edge of the screen, as it did previously (with RC18). This "itemwidth" trick, which seems to have been an interim solution, had been suggested to me a few weeks ago as a solution. I then changed to "menuwidth" when this was fully supported. For some reason I cannot understand, this command no longer seems to work, and it is a very useful one.

When looking at the milonic_scr.js code for RC18, I find the following:

function menuname(name) ... _t.menuwidth=_n;



However, in RC20, I find only

function mm_style(){for(i in _$S)this[i]=_n}_$M= ...

Could this major difference explain why the command no longer seems to work? As far as I know, I am following the directions set out in <>. I also noted a major change in the filesize of milonic_scr.js; much code seems to had been deleted.

Poster: Maz
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 16:13:41 GMT

Just tested the latest RC and still no background image, the only background that shows up is overbgimage on the main menu. Nothing on submenus since the background doesn't change to over, its all transparent. So it looks like the off setting is not working.

(background has always been in style directly above items and overbg in item, so if its changed please let me know)


Poster: John
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 18:24:11 GMT

Confirming Maz, the background definitely takes off for parts unknown in Version 5.0 Release Candidate 20.0 Built: Friday November 7 2003 - 13:30. I am using an XP style setup. The only things left are the text and border. Went back to RC19.

Menuwidth="100%" command still broken in RC22

Poster: Marc-Andre.Roberge __at__ mus.ul
Dated: Tuesday November 11 2003 - 15:14:43 GMT

I would like to point out that the bug with the Menuwidth="100%" command, which appears to have stopped functioning after RC18, still seems to be broken as of RC22 (11 November 2003). The explanations will be found earlier in this thread. Basically, the command no longer causes the brown menu bar to extend to the right edge of the screen.

Though I don't like posting a page that is not perfect on my site, I have temporarily placed the RC22 files on my server so that Andy or someone else may check whether I have done something wrong; go to <>. Curiously, as soon as I revert to RC18, things always come back to normal (even though the sample page no. 26 displays correctly, which is a mystery to me!). I tried it again just before clicking on Submit.

Re: Menuwidth="100%" command still broken in RC22

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday November 11 2003 - 17:45:25 GMT

Marc-Andre.Roberge __at__ mus.ul wrote:
I would like to point out that the bug with the Menuwidth="100%" command, which appears to have stopped functioning after RC18, still seems to be broken as of RC22 (11 November 2003)...

As per request, I am not posting a solution here. Please see this thread for a solution.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 7:23:39 GMT

The following behavior was first noted by JMM in this thread.

Set keepalive=1 in a submenu (the behaior is apparent even if keepalive is off, but it's easier to see with it on). Open the submenu then scroll down the page. In IE6, the submenu moves along with everything else on the page, keeping its position relative to the calling menu. In NS7, the submenu's position remains fixed on the screen; it does not move with the rest of the page. This is unlike what you see when followscroll is enabled... there's no movement at all, like the menu is locked into position on the screen. This behavior is consistent back through RC11, with IE6 and NS7 under Win2k. I have not tried any other browsers/OSs.


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Thursday November 13 2003 - 5:56:28 GMT

I've noticed a small problem with pagebgcolor. It works as usual in all the pertinent menu items in a hierarchical chain, except for the last item... the one specifying a destination url. For example, let's say you have a sinple two-level setup: a main menu with submenus. Open a submenu, then click one of its items to end up at the specified url. The pertinent item in the main menu is highlighted as expected, using pagebgcolor and pagecolor. But the submenu item that got you to that url only shows the pagecolor; the pagebgcolor doesn't take effect unil you mouse over the submenu item in question.

Tested with IE6 and NS7 in Win2k.


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 0:43:50 GMT

Here's another:

Unfortunately, this post will highlight the fact that my professional license has expired and I haven't renewed it yet :oops: -- But I will before our site overhaul, I promise!

I'm currently using the free version, with the "Milonic Menu" link. In testing a different problem related to Opera 6, I noticed that the second item in the main menu does not contain the text, "Milonic Menu". Instead, it reads, "null" and the link is also dead (Opera6.05/Win2k). RC19 does not exhibit this behavior.


Poster: Cloud
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 11:40:20 GMT

Same problem with wide menus on RC25 and Mozilla Firebird:

See image here



Poster: bobwill
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 14:27:33 GMT

RC 24 and Opera 7

The following occurs when using Opera 7 and having it set to identify itself as MSIE 6.0. No change to menu display no matter how Opera 7 is set to "identify" itself.

Menu colors display correctly using IE 6.0

The background of the scroll bars takes on the same color as the "offbgcolor" for the first menu item displayed in the "showmenu". When the first item in the "showmenu" is a "header" and the "header" has a color that is set with the "headerbgcolor" this does not happen. The background of the scroll then matches the "onbgcolor" set within the "style".

Poster: tepidarium
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 19:03:36 GMT

I'm noticing two bugs that both relate to initial page loads of the menu with a clean cache in netscape 6, opera 5, mayeb other browsers. In both situation the problem goes away on reload.

Problem 1 - Menu extends to width of screen even if not desired -i.e. if item width settings are input, menu will still extend to 100% width of screen.

Problem 2 - Menu does not appear on inital load - on reload it will - i have only observed this problem in a relative table bound menu so far.

Poster: bzeitner
Dated: Friday November 14 2003 - 19:45:43 GMT

Upon reviewing my web server log files, I've noticed a major issue:

It seems as though the images called by the menu (I'm only using the subimage) are not being cached and reused (even though it's the same for all menus).

I've tested on IE6.1 and NS7 on different platforms, and the problem still occurs. The images are downloaded many times each time the menu is loaded, even though it's only two different images (onsubimage and subimage).

Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday November 18 2003 - 18:37:19 GMT

New bugs, mac ie 5.1.7

horizontal 'top' menu no problems.

Tools menu, main menu 1 item background overflows vertical 'followscroll'.
submenu vertical, no separators.
sub-submenu vertical, no separators, background extends down the page. (even though this is exactly the same styles as top submenu.)


see -www- below

Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday November 18 2003 - 18:40:58 GMT

New bugs, mac ie 5.1.7

horizontal 'top' menu no problems.

Tools menu, main menu 1 item background overflows vertical 'followscroll'.
submenu vertical, no separators.
sub-submenu vertical, no separators, background extends down the page. (even though this is exactly the same styles as top submenu.)


see -www- below

nb. I got a critical database error posting this, but it appears to be here okay.

Re: Final Outstanding Bugs...

Poster: gdanen
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 2:57:45 GMT

jgillett wrote:
I know there are a number of posts that still have outstanding issues with v5. Some big items have just been cracked by Andy (even with all his sniveling about his flu!), and we're really close to a final.

See for my bug/quirk. When mousing over an item that contains a url, and then mousing off the menu, the status line in IE6 will continue to show that url. :roll:


Re: Final Outstanding Bugs...

Poster: gdanen
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 4:07:51 GMT

gdanen wrote:
See for my bug/quirk. When mousing over an item that contains a url, and then mousing off the menu, the status line in IE6 will continue to show that url.

I've added status=; on the menu entries with a url as a work-around to keep the status line clear.

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 16:52:38 GMT

Gerry -

Just went to one of my sites running RC26 (current release) and I'm not seeing the problem there. Please try the new version and let us know what happens.


Poster: gdanen
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 16:56:45 GMT

jgillett wrote:
Just went to one of my sites running RC26 (current release) and I'm not seeing the problem there. Please try the new version and let us know what happens.

Is there a version ID in the .js files so I can check what I have? I purchased it on Monday, so I would think I'd have the latest version, no?

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 17:07:10 GMT

Yes, there's an ID. See for info on the current release. Subscribe to that topic and you'll always get an e-mail when a new version comes out.

Note that an RC can remain the same, but the build date will change, so you need to watch both values. You'll see when you look at the post I indicated above an RC26 yesterday and also today. In the code it is in the comments section towards the top of the page.

Poster: gdanen
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 17:13:38 GMT

[quote="jgillett"]Yes, there's an ID. See for info on the current release. Subscribe to that topic and you'll always get an e-mail when a new version comes out.[quote]

RC26 seems to have fixed it. I've subscribed as suggested. :)

Thanks, John.

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 19 2003 - 17:17:50 GMT

You're welcome. Glad that fixed it.

Also, welcome to the gang. You picked the best menu around! If you agree, please see the topic towards the top of the list about voting for us in the poll.


Poster: bobwill
Dated: Thursday November 20 2003 - 14:37:43 GMT

Thought I would add my 2 cents worth on how to "Subscribe" to a forum item. For me it was not very intuitive about how to do this. Maybe this will help someone else out. First you have to "log in" with your username and password. Then go to the Forum item that you want to follow. Down in the lower right hand corner of the item is a line "Watch this topic for replies".
Click on the line. That should do it. You will now receive email messages each time the topic is updated.

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 20 2003 - 17:57:22 GMT

Thanks, Bob. Good point. Sometimes we ("I") forget the little things... :oops:

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday November 25 2003 - 0:31:16 GMT

I just noticed another foible with the use of high3dcolor and low3dcolor.

Using RC26, I have a test menu that looks like this in IE6/Win2k:

In NS7/Win2k, it looks like this:

Notice the separators between items in the horizontal menu. They look as I expect in IE6, but in NS7 there appears to be two pixels worth of extra offbgcolor between the high and low color. Horizontal separators (in vertical menus) appear to be fine. Here's my style array, in case you're interested:
with(mainStyle=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial";



Poster: Cloud
Dated: Wednesday November 26 2003 - 11:25:16 GMT

tepidarium wrote:
Problem 1 - Menu extends to width of screen even if not desired -i.e. if item width settings are input, menu will still extend to 100% width of screen.

Problem 2 - Menu does not appear on inital load - on reload it will - i have only observed this problem in a relative table bound menu so far.

I have a workaround for the first problem at least (BTW the huge width menu thingy still occurs in RC28) - add an overflow="scroll" property to the menu, and it seems to fix it.

There is still a problem in Mozilla where when you mouseover the menu it appears way off to the left first, and then when you mouseover again it appears where it should. You should be able to see problem this at in Mozilla.

Poster: tepidarium
Dated: Wednesday November 26 2003 - 19:24:50 GMT

Cloud wrote:
tepidarium wrote:
Problem 1 - Menu extends to width of screen even if not desired -i.e. if item width settings are input, menu will still extend to 100% width of screen.

Problem 2 - Menu does not appear on inital load - on reload it will - i have only observed this problem in a relative table bound menu so far.

I have a workaround for the first problem at least (BTW the huge width menu thingy still occurs in RC28) - add an overflow="scroll" property to the menu, and it seems to fix it.

I'm going to try your suggestion. Weird...why would the "scroll property affect it?

Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday November 28 2003 - 19:42:43 GMT

I know this is a lame...

Windows 98 ie6: I see no main menu background images (unless the position or bottom of the image has become hidden, should see 4px underline on:red and off:grey).

Mac ie5.1.7: I have exactly the same main menu properties for tools menu and top menu but tools menu has followscroll and I still get the background repeating approx. 5 times down the page on many loads.

Reminder: If I could style my main menu with one border-bottom under subimage & text, I would replace background image eliminating these problems.

Warm regards

view -www- link

follow scroll problem in NN4.79

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 2 2003 - 17:03:04 GMT

From John

Perhaps this is a bug in the ns4 module of v5. I'll drop Andy a note to take a look.
Meanwhile, would you kindly post your original message to the bugs topic?

I have a horizontal menu fixed top position and a small 'button' that follows scroll which you click to take you back to the menu.
with(milonic=new menuname("main1")){
aI("text=<span onMouseOut=\"changeText(this,'MENU')\" onMouseOver=\"changeText(this,'Click')\">MENU</span>;url=#top;");
I got the rc28 and checking before finally uploading my finished menu, I found that the small button disappears off the bottom of the visible screen as soon as you start to scroll. I went back and checked on other releases and it works in rc14 - [I dont' have any until 17 after that] -and not in 17 on.
Here's the test page for it if anyone has netscape 4+


Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Saturday December 6 2003 - 1:55:19 GMT

The uparrow.gif called from the mmenuns4.js remains as a bug. I know there is lots to do, but I was wondering when this might get corrected?

My original post:

Thanks, Pat

Poster: Maz
Dated: Wednesday December 17 2003 - 17:56:26 GMT

I just uploaded RC 31 the top menu is there but nothing is happening, no drop down the mouse isn't even changing.

I'll do another upload just in case.

ps. ignore tools menu for now.


I tried uploading again, still nothing, just the main menu items, no linking or drop down menus, no active status.

-www- link

Poster: Maz
Dated: Wednesday December 17 2003 - 20:17:51 GMT

I have no idea why that happened above, but now its working, must have been a temporary glitch :D

Sorry if I got you worried, had me worried.

(I'm getting a new -albeit old- computer yeah! this one is falling apart)


Form text in build menu

Poster: Maz
Dated: Tuesday December 30 2003 - 23:48:53 GMT

The form example doesn't work, can't use ` or ' or " in or around form.

Header background color no longer works over bgimage, I think header text used to be bold or something.

I haven't checked to see if reversed image width and height is changed in this release.

still get 2 bottom/top borders with showsubmenu and subimage on main menu items.


Build 31: Separator Bar & 3D High/Low

Poster: mjjackso
Dated: Wednesday December 31 2003 - 16:04:12 GMT

Please see the following post for what I believe to be a bug in build 31 with separator lines and 3D High/Low.


Display on Mac OS 9.1 with IE 5

Poster: Laporte
Dated: Sunday January 4 2004 - 21:03:30 GMT

Random issue on MacOS 9.1 with IE 5.

When displaying the menu bar the first time, the bar spans most of the window vertically. Note that menu items are well painted at the top, and works well.

Refreshing the page, either with the browser refresh button or by changing to another the page including the menu bar clears the issue.

Site with the issue :


3 bugs in Opera 7

Poster: timrivera
Dated: Monday January 5 2004 - 7:18:11 GMT

While I was testing the menu to find out if it would meet my needs, I discovered three possible bugs in Opera 7.23.

1) The automatic link to "Milonic Menu" in the free version is displayed as "null". I think the link worked, but am not certain now.

2) The text of HTML headings (H1-H6 tags) frequently gets jumbled. It appears that each word in the heading starts at a certain length from the first letter of the previous word. This does not always happen, and does not always effect every heading on a page when the problem does occur.

3) In my CSS, I have declared "margin-left: 80px" for BODY. This causes the submenus to be displaced by 80px.

This screenshot illustrates all three bugs. (No text was given for the first link in the menu.)


This screenshot illustrates bug #2 on the Milonic website.


Poster: Maz
Dated: Wednesday January 7 2004 - 23:41:15 GMT

Andy, I lost headerbgcolor a few rc's ago in Safari, its working for everyone else, so I tried every position. The only difference is I use transparent bgcolor.


RC37: Minor Bug with Mozilla Browser

Poster: Martin
Dated: Thursday January 8 2004 - 15:53:21 GMT


Please read this thread:

Thank you

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Thursday January 15 2004 - 5:03:22 GMT

It looks like RC40 broke something in menualign. With the following main menu code (modified slightly from the default horizontal download for the RC updates):
with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("text=Home;url=;status=Back To Home Page;");
aI("text=Menu Samples;showmenu=Samples;");
aI("text=My Milonic;showmenu=My Milonic;");

The menu items should be centered within a "menu bar" that spans the width of the browser window. It works as expected up through RC39. But in RC40, the menu bar spans the entire width of the window, but the menu items themselves remain aligned to the left of the bar (as if menualign="left";). menualign="center" and menualign="right" have no effect.

Just FYI.


Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday January 15 2004 - 18:18:36 GMT

RC 40? 8O I must have missed one.

Anyhow, I made a post about a js conflict in anything goes, I thought it was just that.

-I was trying a script to expand a thumbnail on a page and move the image anywhere on the page with the mouse.

-If I moused over the menu opening a submenu, the submenu moved down the page with the browser scroll bar.

I removed the conflict, now I'm told that this still occurs in Netscape 7.1 on WinXP.

This is caused by 'Keepalive' on the submenu forms. It doesn't separate from the main menu and roll down the page in other browsers.


Now I'm up to RC 42. :?
Please can I get center align horizontal back :?:
headerbgcolor back :?:
and then how about a pretty bottom border please :?: :?:

Poster: optical
Dated: Wednesday March 17 2004 - 2:04:20 GMT

Bug first discussed here:

Here is a run down:

NOTE: If I remove: tabindex="+_el+" from that file and I no longer have the following issue.

For some reason the tab index on my form jumps to the menu after option 10.

To see this in action go here:
and then scroll to number 10 and select yes or no.

Now press tab (the first one works) and again and again, etc.

With each tab (using IE 6.0 and others maybe) one of the menu items (in order) becomes the target and then back to the next tab. my tab orders are set correct. I have triple checked them. I don't have tabs in the menu and it is in a seperate table that is not part of the form.