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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:03

Change dynamically the style of a milonic menu ...

Poster: fpajot
Dated: Monday October 20 2003 - 9:26:04 BST

I want to dynamically change the style of a menu.

The menus are used like mitres.

1 / I have two styles:
style1: Mitre OFF
style2: Mitre ON
The twos styles are like :

with(style1=new mm_style()){
with(style2=new mm_style()){

It's two milonic menu styles

2 / I have 3 menus.
The page is load like this :
Menu1 --> style2
Menu2 --> style1
Menu3 --> style1

When the user clicks on Menu2 (or Menu3), this menu takes dynamically the style "Style2" (ON) and the Menu1 takes the Style1 (OFF).

Is it possible, and How ?


Poster: Hergio
Dated: Tuesday October 21 2003 - 22:25:52 BST

Please keep your questions to a single topic. You asked this before in another thread. To move your thread back up in the forum, post to it again, maybe asking if anyone has found something. It clutters the forum to have multiple similar topics flying around. Thank you in advance.

Just the other day I tried to get this to work. I created a function that would change where I thought the menu was gettings its style defined. But as I look at it more, I believe the style of the menu is rendered when the page is loaded, it pulls the info from the styles and uses that to draw the menus. Once they are rendered, it seems difficult to go in and change it on the fly. I know Andy is thinking about creating a 'on-the-fly' menu where the menu isn't rendered until its called upon, which would mean you could change the style before it rendered and opened. But hes EXTREMELY busy right now, hes been answering tons of emails from people requesting free licenses and hasn't been able to put into the menu what he'd like to. But stick around it should be a feature in subsequent versions. Andy, if its possible now, let me know. Thanks.

Poster: fpajot
Dated: Wednesday October 22 2003 - 8:18:39 BST

I reformulated my question one second time in the forum because I did
not have an answer the first time.
Sorry ... I will not start again any more