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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:05

Calling HD subdirectories in the aI line?

Poster: BW
Dated: Wednesday October 8 2003 - 21:29:40 BST


No url yet to share - still trying to get it ready to publish :? ...

Simple questions for the calibre of folks out there.... I want to call a file in a subdir on my HD. Thereby, I can inspect slink and stuff before publishing. How can I make the menu access the HD files with the aI line?

obviously calls up a page from the web.

If I want to call pages from my own HD what does the syntax look like?

aI("text=Weekend in Ulm;url=/www/fun/2003/ulm.html;");
is not working for me. FYI, the root dir is directly "above" /www/ e.g. d:/www/.... but the menu_data.js file in a separate subdir 2-3 levels "below" the /www/ directory.

BTW, before publishing the site I plan to use the find/replace tool to insert all the necessary http://... stuff in the aI line that will be necessary for the published version.


Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday October 8 2003 - 22:04:23 BST

Try file:///D|/www/.

WORKS! Thanks!

Poster: BW
Dated: Wednesday October 8 2003 - 22:56:21 BST

Works. Don't know why, and probably shouldn't give it one more second of thought - never touch a running system?!?


Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday October 8 2003 - 23:01:54 BST

Don't ask! I cheated to come up with that mess. :roll:

I'm really a Mac guy... :D

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday October 9 2003 - 4:38:14 BST

Nice catch on that one John. You own any windoze (as you say) machines at home? What do you run at home?

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday October 9 2003 - 14:58:11 BST

Thanks, Dave.

I have Win2K at home on a dual-boot with Linux 8. However, I no longer run Win there so that machine is all Linux. Mac side is a dual-G4 tower running OS X 10.2.8 and a very old PowerBook 1400C with OS 9.1 (that's the only way I can check on Maz!).

Stuck with XP Pro at work 10+ hours a day, and enough is enough :!:

Just went to your site and saw your face (now I can put a real mug to you and Andy). Pretty close to your avatar ;)

Sent 2 of me yesterday to you guys, but Cox is screwing up both home and the campus again (still). Did you get them?

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Thursday October 9 2003 - 17:02:08 BST

Yeah your email seems funny. I received an email from you last night at about 12AM my time that was dated from Monday! Weird. But yes I did receive an email from you but it only had one picture in it, the subject was "Me".

I agree, putting a mug with the person helps. Yeah I tried to get an avatar that had spiky blonde hair. I got it off some website of avatars a while back. If I remember correctly, I believe it was on a Capri Sun juice pouch a couple years back, but I am not certain. But it worked for me.

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday October 9 2003 - 18:02:26 BST

The "Me" was really - me. I'd sent one earlier (might have been the Monday one) that was my wolf in a nose-to-nose shot. So much for tryin' to be funny!

Cox is really messing things up. Too bad they don't have any competition around here. Now where'd I put that C4...

Just sent you an e-mail for consideration.

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday October 10 2003 - 1:40:43 BST

Resend it, I'd love to see your wolf. We have adelphia over here for our ISP. Considering that have been looking horrible in the spotlight, their service has been pretty good now that I think of it. But they also have no competition, so if they sucked, it would be dial up or nothin'.

I responded to your mail. Naw thanks. ;)

Poster: John
Dated: Friday October 10 2003 - 2:49:42 BST

Hergio wrote:
Resend it, I'd love to see your wolf.

Given the way Cox has been with mail, try instead.

Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday October 10 2003 - 4:34:33 BST

Hey John, Nice pup!
Me thinks me developers need checking up on :|

Dave why you call your wife wide?

I have a long lost 21 yr gurly, don't ask, got too smart for her own good.

raz m'taz

Poster: John
Dated: Friday October 10 2003 - 6:45:56 BST

Thanks, Maz. He's pretty cool. Probably the best 'dog' I've ever had, although he does have his moments...

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday October 10 2003 - 14:50:31 BST

Beautiful animal. How long you had him?

Oh oops :oops: that was a typo, it should say beautiful WIFE. Man if she saw that, I'd be in the dog house, haha. Took care of it, its fixed now.