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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:57

Wrong menu appears

Poster: tubize
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 20:09:17 GMT

I wrote Andy earlier on this but I see that he has the flu so I will post it here.

I am using both the vertical and horizontal menu extensively on a new site I am developing .

I am having a problem with the wrong menu appearing and it probably has something to do with my names but I can’t find the problem.

When you go to this page - - for the first time, the menus should be okay. Light blue on the top and dark blue on the side.

Now click on Members section at top of left menu. This menu should be okay and similar to the home page menu but it is a different file.

Now if you click on Home Page in the top menu and go back to the Home Page, the left menu will be picking up its data from the top menu. If you click refresh, the correct left menu will then display.

Thanks for your help. Can you help me from the above or should I send you the code?

BTW, I am now putting the left nav in Cold Fusion and drawing content from a database and it is working great. I have not built the entire menu from a database yet, only sections, but we will get there.

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 23:01:58 GMT

Pretty sure I followed your instructions, but I did not see the failure you indicated. When I go back to the home page it is the same menu as the first time I was there with no refresh necessary. Did I miss something?

IE6/XP Pro.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday November 12 2003 - 23:31:14 GMT

I can't get the described behavior either. IE6 and NS7 in Win2k. What browser/OS are you using John (tubize)?


Poster: Hergio
Dated: Saturday November 15 2003 - 20:00:10 GMT

Just ran it here on win2000 IE6, no problems. more info needed...browser, OS, etc

Poster: Andy
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 11:08:43 GMT

I think we got to bottom of this one.

It was a bug that would only appear if you where actually using the first menu before the second menu had been rendered.

It also, only affected certain connection speeds, quite a tricky one but I think we got there in the end

-- Andy

Poster: John
Dated: Sunday November 16 2003 - 20:29:17 GMT

Whoa - quite a little stinker.

Nice job, boss :!: