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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:55
well when clicked directly but not when served via server
Poster: sau_cer
Dated: Thursday November 20 2003 - 19:08:08 GMT
I am experiencing a strange problem with the version 3.3.19 of topmenu4.
I implemented the menu in my test site about a month back and it seemingly worked ok then, both on my local testing server (Tomcat) and when I directly clicked on it. But not it works if I directly click on it but when pages are served via the testing server (same html code) generates a script error at line 310 char 114 of the page

Since the same line and character causes errors in all my files (of variable lengths, when viewed via local testing server) it seems that the error is in one of the .js files (perhaps mmmenu.js.. only this file had 310 line no ..':idea:), required by the menu to work, but again it works perfectly when used directly(i.e. by direct clicking). On viewing source, I can see that the html code for both the files (one generated by direct clicking and other served via my testing server ) are exactly similar.
What can be the problem? How do I rectify the situation...?

Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 21 2003 - 6:43:18 GMT
3.3.19 is literally at least 25 levels down from the last version of the v3 series menu (3.5.15). Also, as noted on the Milonic home page, the v3 series is no longer supported. I would suggest moving up to v5, available at
Poster: sau_cer
Dated: Sunday November 23 2003 - 19:34:27 GMT
I got this version from and have already done all the customization so have to stick with the version.. don't want to do the customization again .. but i would also give the new version in the 3 series a try .. please tell me from where can i download it(3.5.15)
Poster: John
Dated: Sunday November 23 2003 - 22:41:27 GMT
sau_cer wrote:
please tell me from where can i download it(3.5.15)
Always download from us! Just a reminder, that's the last of the v3 series. Also, moving up to v5 really isn't that hard.