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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:58

Thank you!

Poster: Shatter
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 22:48:43 GMT

Not a help question
Just a pat on the back... Damn good job on this menu guys :D
Its easy, powerful, and versitile... most importantly.... it gets the job done.

PS Just a thought... is it possiable to get the submenus to roll back up unstead of fadeing out or disapearing... if that made since :o

Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 22:57:09 GMT

Thank you very much for the kind words :!: They are most appreciated.

Not sure if there's anything there, but you might want to check (bottom of the page) to see if there's anything there you like.

Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 3:28:59 GMT

Definetly agree with you, but check out to see alittle more info on this topic.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 13:50:39 GMT

You know, I was beginning to wonder where all the gratitude had gone.

I'm really starting to feel as though people are expecting us to bend over backwards for them in return for absolutely nothing and that kinda sucks.

Having at least one person every now and then say thanks makes it seem worthwhile again. :D :D :D :D

Thank you very much for this kind note, it gives us all a boost knowing that we have at least one satisfied user. It's just a shame that we don't get more of it. :cry:

It also seems that the people who actually pay us for our work are also the most appreciative. They are kind, courteous and don't make unreasonable demands on us. It's absolutely crazy that the only people we have trouble with are those that are getting our software for free. What is wrong with this World we live in?

PS: And yes, I am in a bad mood today but I'll snap out of it once I can get some coding done, too busy emailing ATM :evil:

-- A very tired and weary old Andy :lol:

Poster: pat __at__
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 8:59:18 GMT

More satisfaction here, guys :D

The menu is a *gem* and absolutely essential in meeting my needs.

Thanks and appreciation are hard to come by nowadays, but you only have to look at your roster to see the popularity of the menu.

Thank-you and keep up the fine work ...Pat

Poster: John
Dated: Saturday November 8 2003 - 18:37:09 GMT

A sincere thank you, Pat. Trust me - the kind words really help. :D

Poster: UEBen
Dated: Monday November 10 2003 - 20:59:18 GMT

I just wanted to reiterate my appreciation for all the hard work that went into building this awesome DHTML menu.
(...and to also *bump* my old feature request: ;) )


Poster: John
Dated: Monday November 10 2003 - 22:04:11 GMT

Thanks, Ben - most appreciated :!: :D