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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:59
test pages check?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 3 2003 - 18:27:59 GMT
I've put up about 6 test pages with links on them from one to the next [and the images and music left off ] and I've tested them on ie5.0, nn6.0 and 7.1 and opera 6.05 and 7.11, there are some glitches in the 6.05 opera which seem to go away when the page is reloaded, one in nn6.0 but it doesn't affect how the menu functions [it's a style..not coding style, just page style thing ] so it's not a problem. But, I don't have access to any other browsers and I'm trying the onclass/offclass suggested by Hergio, [with a lot of fumbling and reading and re-reading of style sheet tutorials ] so I don't know how it is working in other than the ones I listed, perhaps if anyone has a different browser adn had a little time, they'd be good enough to check it...except for NN 4x, it won't work in that and I'm fiddling with it. Thanks so much.
Ruth Editing to give a link. Grrrrr....
Poster: 4viggo
Dated: Monday November 3 2003 - 18:57:33 GMT
Works fine in Mozilla 1.5
Poster: John
Dated: Monday November 3 2003 - 19:36:18 GMT
Seems to be working fine in IE6, Ruth.
Couple small things...
1. Broken graphic in Around the Web/Government.
2. The 'Menu' box in the upper left says Click when you mouseOver. I did and got a 404.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 3 2003 - 19:55:31 GMT
Thanks, 4viggo, I appreciate the check.
John, I'm sorry, I didn't upload the images As for the little menu box, it's an anchor link to take you back to the top, I must be doing some silly thing that it's not working and tries to find a page. I've about pulled my hair out trying everything that entered my mushie brain at this point. I will try for some sleep, maybe the brain will work better. [though I doubt it ::giggle::] I'm giddy. Thanks for checking, I apreciate it greatly.