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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:58
Submenu positioning problem on Mac
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Tuesday November 4 2003 - 23:09:42 GMT
I'm having a problem with submenus not displaying in the correct position with IE on a Mac (hope to get more info on OS, IE version etc ASAP). It may also be wrong in other Mac browsers - if anyone can check and let me know, I'd appreciate it as I have no Mac access.
The submenu detaches itself from the main menu (which is on the LHS of the page) and becomes positioned toward the centre of the page.
However, the menu works without problem with IE6 on Win98SE. You can see it at:
There's a screen-grab of the problem here:
Here's hoping for some help .....
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 1:42:08 GMT
Two things to try, first, move the calls for milonic_src, mmenudom, and mmenuns4 up into the HEAD of the document. People have had better success with them up there. Secondly, in your main menu you have orientation set to nothing, you should either set it to something or leave it out completely.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 1:43:58 GMT
Ahh and by the way, I pulled it up in Safari 1.1 (v100) and it looks perfect. Nice job.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 8:51:43 GMT
Thanks for the compliment Dave.
With regard to your reply, I'm using the menu code within an SSI, so there is no <HEAD> </HEAD>
SSI code for the menu table insert is here, if it helps :
I've removed the orientation in the main menu as suggested. Does it still work OK on your Mac?
Poster: Maz
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 13:25:35 GMT
The menu sits in a div, try taking it out.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 15:40:29 GMT
The <div> is there because I can find no other way to centre the menu SSI within the left-hand table.
Nothing else I can think of seems to work.
Removing the <DIV> means that the menu moves to the left, and looks wrong in the design.
Anything else I could try?
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 20:37:10 GMT
drgaz wrote:
With regard to your reply, I'm using the menu code within an SSI, so there is no <HEAD> </HEAD>
Ah, but you do. That's where you already have <title>, <meta>, etc.
You also have...
<td width="140" align="left" valign="top" class="fbindexlhsmenu"> <div align="left">
<div align="center">
<link href="fbnew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<div align="center">
<link href="fbnew.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
I'm confused about the 2 <div> right together that contradict each other, followed by an out of place call to the stylesheet.
Personally, I'd remove the <div> tags as Maz suggested, move the 3 menu calls to the first items after <body>, change the <td> from <td width="139"> <div align="center"> to <td width="139" align="center" valign="top">, and leave just the _data call in that <td>.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 21:00:12 GMT
Still wacked in IE, but still ok in Safari.
I agree, you maybe should consider two includes, one for the menu code include right after the body and another for the main menu which you include in the table td.
And as previously mentioned, the DIVs got to go. You can achieve very similar alignment not only using the valign and align properties of the td but you can also assign style properties to it too if those dont work. And put your stylesheet include in the right spot, in the head. Yes I know you are allowed to import them pretty much anywhere, but you should try and be standard if at all possible.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 21:34:11 GMT
Sorry - I'm getting confused now.
I'm not entirely sure what you're all suggesting to me to do at the moment. Maybe it's getting a bit technical....? Maybe I just don't understand ... ?
Does my problem stem from me using the menu within an SSI?
Are we talking about the fb_lhmenu_index1.htm SSI file being at fault, or the index.shtml page, where the SSI is displayed?
Which means I'm therefore not entirely sure which DIVS and which Includes I should move/remove and from which file/s?
As for the contradicting DIVS, can you tell me where that code comes from which you have quoted? I can't find where you're meaning right now in index.shtml. I see the stylesheet call you seem to be referring to in line 8 of the code, not line 22 as it seems to be in your version. I have no idea what's happened there ....
I'm not saying that they aren't contradictory - it's probably just one of my (and/or Dreamweaver's) screw-ups that slipped through the net.
But I'm still confused about what I'm supposed to do to fix the trouble ...
Thanks for all your assistance so far everyone - it's good to know that there's this much helpful support out there for when the going gets wierd.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 21:42:23 GMT
I think the problem lies with your SSI file that you are including. I see the <link for the style sheet in that file that shouldnt be there. As far as I can tell, the DIV tags are in the main page because I dont see them in the include file you provided for us...but they are definetly there in the main page link you gave us. What are the URLs for your main page and your include file because I am seeing discrepancies between them. The URL you gave us was
for the include.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Wednesday November 5 2003 - 22:02:25 GMT
Sorry - my mistake - the url should have been
not as I said earlier (though they should be almost identical, except that this SSI also has the Soil Association logo/link included underneath)
Main page is
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 0:03:33 GMT
Keep in mind that the lines in your include are not seen when you look at the code in DW, so the line numbers you see there will not match what we see when we view source (where the entire include file has been added). Match the code, not the line numbers.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 0:20:04 GMT
Thanks for the warning re line #s in DW - still can't find the code that you quoted earlier, whatever the line #s might be ...
So still no clearer on how to solve the problem - I'm new to DHTML Menu - and I'm only a part-time web-designer, so please bear with me here
As I said - not really understanding all you're telling me to do ...
Poster: John
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 14:50:31 GMT
drgaz wrote:
Thanks for the warning re line #s in DW - still can't find the code that you quoted earlier, whatever the line #s might be ...
It was just a few lines above where you had the JS calls to the menu code.
drgaz wrote:
So still no clearer on how to solve the problem - I'm new to DHTML Menu - and I'm only a part-time web-designer, so please bear with me here
Ah - then please deposit additional funds in the Help-o-Meter...

drgaz wrote:
As I said - not really understanding all you're telling me to do ...
Just take it a step at a time, from the top down. Clean up your code, make the moves we suggested, and let us know.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 15:46:26 GMT
OK, I've sat down in the cold light of day, looked at all your suggestions and finally, I think, the penny has dropped!
I've made the changes as suggested (at least I think I have) and updated all the necessary pages at the site (as there is another, very similar, menu on all the remaining pages). Cleared out some code debris at the same time.
So with any luck (and all your help), we may have a result.
Could someone with a Mac and IE5.2 let me know how it all looks now please.
Poster: drgaz
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 17:19:24 GMT
A friend running Mac IE5.2.2 on OSX reports that the first submenu (of Introduction - How Mushrooms Can Help, etc) is still showing the problem, while the all the rest appear to be OK now.
Can anyone confirm this?
Poster: Maz
Dated: Thursday November 6 2003 - 20:50:27 GMT
Its better, but I've noticed a similar bug on Mac on my site in the last update for 20. We may have to wait for a fix on that one.
Poster: Hergio
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 3:42:36 GMT
Great moogly woogly, its still there in IE, but its getting better. Its now moved to the left almost where it should be in the x-plane, but its still well below the actual menu. I am REAL busy tonight so I cant sift through the code again tonight, but I will try again when I get the chance in the morning. Oh and no Safari is starting to look alittle funny, alittle extra padding on the sides of the main menu, can anyone with Safari (v100) confirm this with me.
OH AND to the others, I will be away this weekend in the woods. I am bringing the powerbook so the boy can watch a DVD or two in the cabin, but I doubt they'll have ethernet or a WAP in my immediate I will see you on Monday!
Poster: John
Dated: Friday November 7 2003 - 5:01:30 GMT
Not that it matters any more, but IE5.2.2 is not the latest version.
Anyway, looking at both of the links you provided in OS X/Safari1(v85), I see absolutely no problems at all. Everything is right where it should be, main and subs.
In IE5.2.3 it's somewhat goofy. Yes, the first sub is always off to the right and low. However, if you run up and down the main menu the rest of the subs seem to alternate between the right position and where the first sub always lands - right and low.